Chapter One

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No one really likes to take the bus. I am one of them, and after the events that took place recently, my hatred of buses has grown even more. They're dirty, they're crowded, and most people just want to get it over with. But no matter how dirty, no matter how crowded your bus is, just be glad you weren't on my bus.

The day started normally. School had just ended for the day, and I was at my locker packing my stuff. I already had homework, even though it was only the fourth day back from summer vacation. I guess they weren't kidding when they said that ninth grade was going to be hard. I shut my locker and started walking down the hallway towards the door to where I would be waiting for my bus when my best friend Luke came out of nowhere. Luke has been my best friend since the beginning of middle school. We have always clicked. I've never really been interested in dating him, we tried once about a year ago, but both agreed it felt really wierd. He has a girlfriend now (who isn't very fond of me), but I'm still single. I've had guys flirt with me, but I think I come across to outsiders as standoffish. Which is fine by me. It's not like any relationship at this stage is going to last long. Anyway, Luke lives a couple houses down from where I live, so that's convinient. At least that is someone who I can talk to on the bus.
"Hey" Luke said, smiling at me. Ok, even though I'm not attracted to him, I will admit he's pretty cute. Tall, muscular, blond, with bright green eyes, he's definitely a looker. I'm sure if I wasn't his best friend, I'd be drooling. Of course I would never do that, that's desperate.
"Hey yourself, are you doing anything after school?" I asked him. We normally hang out after school.
"No, I don't think I am. Do you want to come over? We could start re watching all the Harry Potter movies and eat popcorn." How could I refuse that?! Luke and I have recently discovered our mutual love of Harry Potter, and watch the movies all the time.
"I would love to, except I just remembered I have homework to do."
"Are you kidding Celia? Homework in the first week?" Luke looks so shocked I have to laugh.
"Yeah, my teacher is crazy. I think he forgets that it is only the first week of school."
"Can you come over after maybe?"
"Yeah sure, I can probably finish it quickly" I say. I would much rather be watching Harry Potter with Luke than doing homework. By now we have reached the spot where we normally wait for the bus. Some of our friends are there, and they all wave at us as we approach. There's Nicole, who is my other best friend, who is constantly trying to play matchmaker. There's Dallas, Luke's other best friend, who is definitely the rocker in the group. Both Nicole and Dallas take different buses, so Luke is the only one who lives near me. This of course, had just strengthened our relationship.
I see me and Luke's bus enter the lane and Luke and I start to head towards it, when I hear my name being called out.
"Celia! Celia! Come here right now!" I turn and see that it is my science teacher. Crap. I forgot that I was supposed to stay after school to help out for setting up something for tomorrow's class. In those two seconds I made a choice that I regret, a choice that changed my life forever. I ignored my teacher and headed onto the bus.

Man do I wish I had of stopped. That I had went to my teacher, helped out, and then I would have never been on that bus. I would have never went through all this. So as I recall all this, that is my biggest regret.

Thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoyed reading the first chapter of The Bus Ride. This is my first book on Wattpad, and I hope that you will stick with this book. I plan on uploading every Tuesday and Thursday, but if I don't stick to that schedule, don't get upset! Thanks for reading :)


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