Chapter Seventeen

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Today is the day I have been dreading. Today is Nicole's and Dallas' funeral. Even worse Dallas' parents have asked me to speak at the funeral. I stayed up all last night writing and re-writing my speech. I really don't want to go to the funeral and look at my friends parents, but I owe it to them. Almost robotically I move about my room, putting on a simple black dress and minimal makeup. My parents are waiting downstairs, and without a word we head out to our car. My mother looks at me with pity, and opens her mouth as if to say something to me, but instead shakes her head and gets into the car, and we drive away in silence.

The church that the funeral is being held in looks beautiful. Bouquets of fresh flowers and glittering tealights decorate the inside, and at the end of the aisle there are two coffin, both of them open. I suppose they must have found the place where we were held, and found their bodies. I leave my parents almost immediately and find myself walking to the coffins and looking in. I look at Nicole's first. Whoever prepared her body did a beautiful job. She finally looks at peace, an expression I hadn't seen on her face in a long time. She almost looks like Snow White, asleep in her coffin. Her body bares no marks of the ordeal that she went through before her death. I move on to Dallas' coffin. He also looks like he's sleeping, though of course I know he isn't. He is lying on his back, so of course the bullet hole in the back of his skull is hidden. Looking at his dead body brings back the memories I'm trying so hard to forget. The loud bang of gun as it goes off, the thump of his body as he hits the ground, the growing pool of blood that quickly spreads from his body, his empty eyes. I choke back a sob and feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see Luke standing before me. We look at each other for a moment, then he envelopes me in a hug. Normally I don't like being hugged, but this time, I needed a hug. After a few moments we break apart and smile at each other. With one last look at the coffins, Luke grabs my hand and leads me away to sit down.

The ceremony is wonderful. Unfortunately, I can't enjoy it. Between worrying about my speech, and looking over at my friends grieving families, I barely pay attention. Luke keeps hold of my hand throughout the whole ceremony. It isn't in a romantic way, more of a supportive way. Finally it's time for me to speak. I don't think I have ever dreaded something more. I slowly walk up the aisle, my footsteps echoing in the silent church. I stand at the podium and look out at the crowd. I can't believe I am about to do this.

"Nicole and Dallas were some of my best friends. They were two people who I wanted to be in my life until I die. I consider it a privilege to have known them. When I look at their coffins, I don't think of their deaths." That's a complete lie. I most certainly think of their deaths. I take a deep breath and continue.
"Instead, I think of my experiences with them, and the great times that I've had with them." I now look at Nicole's family. Her mother is sobbing, and her father is trying to keep himself from crying.
"Nicole was one of the most happy, positive, and perky people I have ever met. She always had a smile on her face, and she always knew what to say to make me feel better. She was the one I could have girl talk with, even though neither of us were really into that. I will miss her tremendously, and I know I will not be the only one." I look at her family again, and instead of seeing her father trying to hold back tears, he instead has a small smile on his face. I then turn to Dallas' family. They are slightly more composed then Nicole's family, but still are far from fine. I look down at my cue cards and look back up.
"Like Nicole, Dallas was a great friend, and I consider it a privilege to have known him. He had the same sense of humour as I do, and didn't take crap from anyone. He helped me stand up to my tormentors, and I returned the favour." I look at Luke. He gives me an encouraging smile. I look back at Dallas' family. I owe it to them, to tell them the truth about what really happened to their son. In that moment I make a descision, that I'm sure, will change the rest of my life.

I look away from my cards. I certainly don't need them anymore.
"You have all been told by me that Dallas was killed by our new mayor. This is a lie. I think that Dallas deserves to have the truth told. Our new mayor did not kill Dallas. Someone else did. I lied to protect that person." The church is silent. You could hear a pin drop. I take a deep breath, and feel tears forming at the corners of my eyes. No. I will not cry in front of all these people. I lock eyes with Luke, and continue.
"I killed Dallas. His death is my fault." The people in the church sit in stunned silence. The silence is broken by Dallas' mother distraught wail.
"While we were at the clearing, Luke, Dallas, and I formed an escape plan. Unfortunately, we were caught, and since I came forward as the ringleader, I was the one who was to be punished. I expected to be killed. Instead, I was forced to choose who I would kill. We were given five minutes to decide who would die. During those five minutes, Dallas confessed that he had a crush on me for a while. Luke, reminded me of how much he meant to me. The five minutes were up, and I had to choose. I chose Dallas. I shot him, point-blank. I accept full responsibility for what happened. I was the one who pushed him to join me escaping, and I was the one who shot him. I relive his death every night, and every day when I'm not busy. I am more sorry then you could ever know." I can't hold back the tears now, and they begin to fall. I look at his coffin, and then back at his family. I look at every single one of the faces in that church, and they all stare back at with hate in their eyes, even my parents. All except for Luke, and I see that his eyes are filled with tears as well. Without a beat, I step down from the podium, and run out of the church, barely aware of Luke's footsteps behind me.

I keep running even when I'm far away from the church. I finally find myself at an old park, which is completely deserted. Perfect. I flop down on a rickety swing and just sob. Thank goodness I'm wearing waterproof mascara. After about a minute or two, I hear footsteps approaching me and hear someone sit down on the swing next to me. I look sideways and see Luke sitting next to me.
"I'm not in the mood for a lecture. I did what was right."
"I'm not going to give you one. I'm glad you did that. I know it would have eaten you alive to keep that secret for the rest of your life.
"Clearly you underestimate my character."
"Then why did you tell everyone?" I sigh and turn to look at him.
"I owed that much to Dallas."
"You are right, you did."
"I'm scared. What is going to happen to me? I can't go back to school, I can't go home, and I will probably be charged for murder." I sob and Luke sighs. Without another word, he hugs me, and we sink to the ground. I cry, and scream, and all the while he just holds me. I know now, more than ever, that I will kill that dispicable man, and no one, not even Luke is going to stop me.

Finally an update! I was going to update on Monday, but the entire chapter deleted. The book will be over soon, at least five more chapters. Thanks for reading, and remember to vote and comment.
P.S. It's been two months since I started this book!

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