10. What Do You Mean? (Both Point of Views)

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What Do You Mean?

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀"Ryan!" I giggled as he suddenly tickled both of my sides. I squirmed underneath him, trying to get his hands away from me. "I. Can't. Breathe," I said between laughs.

He hovered above me, a wide grin on his face. "I'll release you if you say that Ryan is the best boyfriend ever."

He continued to tickle me as I grew weak from all the laughter. "Ryan is the best boyfriend ever," I laughed; a grin on my face that matched Ryan's.

I hoped that he would stop once I said the words he wanted to hear, however, he still continued to tickle me.

"Please, Ryan," I playfully frowned and he stopped.

The laughter died down and the space between our heads decreased as Ryan moved his lips closer to my own. Before we were able to kiss, the door opened and caused us to look at Justin who was in the doorway.

"We are leaving. Chaz and his date is here."

We got up from the bed and Ryan intertwined our hands. I caught Justin's glance at our hands but he didn't say anything so I didn't either.

"Finally you are-" Ryan started once we entered the living room where they were waiting, along with Justin's date, but the appearance of Chaz and his date took us all by a humorous surprise.

Both of their clothes were ruffed up: Chaz's hair was a mess, his shirt was unevenly buttoned, and had red lipstick all over his cheek, mouth, and neck. His date had her lipstick smudged and messy hair. We walked in as she adjusted her summer dress.

"Woah," we all said in unison.

"No wonder why you guys were almost thirty minutes late," Ryan chuckled.

"Shut up," Chaz muttered. Ryan and Justin snickered. "Let's go to the movies before I change my mind about this triple date."

We headed to the movies to watch the premiere of a movie the boys wanted to see.

I sat between Justin and Ryan, considering I hated sitting at the end of the aisle. Ryan was intently watching the movie while I forced myself to find some interest in it. The movie was so boring and I couldn't understand it.

I was taking a sip of my drink when I felt a hand creeping up on my leg. I knew it wasn't Ryan's hand, he was on the other side of me. My eyes widened once I saw Justin's hand on my mid-thigh.

I looked at him but his eyes were locked on the movie screen as if he wasn't feeling up on his best friend's girlfriend.

I didn't know what to do. Should I move his hand off of me? Maybe it was just a mistake?

Who was I kidding, he knew what he was doing.

I shifted in my seat to move myself closer to Ryan but Justin squeezed my thigh and stopped me from moving over. A blush crept on my cheeks as I leaned over to him. "Will you please keep your hands to yourself?" I whispered in his ear politely.

He didn't say anything. He didn't even peer at me. Instead, he moved his hand higher on my thigh, getting close to the hem of my shorts. When his hand moved into my inner thigh and near my precious area, I got up from my seat and excused myself to go buy some candy.

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