Chapter Twenty-Two

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The tenth-storey room smelt of furniture polish, freshly brewed coffee and importance. The surface of the long oval, walnut table shone brilliantly, not a smudge or speck in sight. An ornate silver tray with five tall glasses and a pitcher of iced water, was positioned in the centre of the table. The air was artificially warm, a note-able contrast to bitterly cold day outside and the winter light filtered weakly through the lowered blinds. A large screen mounted on the wall, gave off a feint hum while on standby. Having swept the room for bugging devices and found there to be none, he checked his watch. It was just before seven o'clock and satisfied everything was in order, he waited by the door, as the filter coffee machines competed its job.

Scott had been up for two hours already, one of which, he spent in the gym and thrashed his cardio-vascular system to near exhaustion. Once showered, he had eaten a light breakfast of oats and fruit, and then set off for work, enjoying the quiet in the deserted office block. Today's meeting had been hastily arranged after Briggs had received an important call late the previous night.

At bang on seven, Briggs entered.

"Morning, sir, would you like some coffee?" Scott asked.

Briggs grunted his acceptance, walked towards the table and pulled out one of the heavy chairs and sat down.

Scott fixed Briggs' coffee- thick, dark with a splash of cream and a level spoonful of sugar, as always. He picked up the fine bone china cup and saucer carried it over to the table for Briggs and then returned to his position by the door.

Scott was used to the heavy brooding silences of Briggs and knew better than to interrupt him, especially this early in the morning. Three short knocks came from the door.

"Come in," Briggs instructed, gruffly.

Scott opened the door to three men, each attired in an ill-fitting suit, wearing equally ill-fitting, nervous expressions on their faces. Scott recognised the one in the middle- Professor Clairbourne, Head of Screening and Genetics. The other two were unfamiliar. They bumbled into the room at speed and Clairbourne rushed to offer Briggs his hand. Briggs ignored the gesture and the disgruntled Professor skulked off to sit in the chair at the opposite end of the table. The other two men followed his example and sat down either side of him. Clearly experienced in the meeting protocol with Briggs, they knew not to talk first and so for him in silence. Clairbourne fidgeted in his seat, as the other two men began to read through some of the paperwork they had brought in with them. Scott found the whole situation highly amusing knowing that Briggs was deliberately making them wait.

After several minutes of silence Briggs spoke.

"So what have you got for me?" he asked, still not looking up from the file he was reading.

Clairbourne went to speak and then looked over to where Scott stood and clammed up. Briggs looked up at Clairbourne, over to Scott and back again.

"Clairbourne, this is Agent Scott, he will be joining this meeting. Scott is leading the reintegration of the ten. You may speak freely."

Surprise registered not only on Clairbourne's face, but also Scott's. He had just been about to ask Briggs if he could be excused from the room to run guard on the external door as per the usual standard operating procedures.

"But, General Briggs, this is against protocol. I can't say I am comfortable ...."

"Scott, sit down," Briggs interrupted the professor. "Clairbourne, since I dictate protocol then I can assure you that Scott's presence in this room is approved at the highest level."

The Professor swallowed tightly. "Very well, sir," he replied.

Scott moved over to the table and sat to the left of Briggs.

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