Merlin's Gold - Chapter 27 - The Pit

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Chapter 27 - The Pit

The rope above them creaked ominously as they descended, a reminder of the slender thread keeping them from plummeting into the depths of the Pit.

Iseult clung to Grayle with her free hand, her grip painful on his arm as the circle of light above them got smaller and smaller, only the anaemic light of the lamp providing any barrier against the darkness that threatened to swamp them. From above, the discordant sound of fighting echoed faintly down the shaft, the screams of the dying mingling with the clash of steel, and shouts of the fighters.

"What the hell is going on?" asked Iseult.

"We are reacting to one of Merlin's feelings," whispered Grayle. "He brought me down here when they first cleared the shaft. It seems like an eternity ago now what with all that's happened, but this is where we found the treasure. Two of the chambers at the east and west contained the Dragon hoard Merlin had prophesied. Arthur came down here too, and that's when they found the Dragon Blessed weapon: the southern chamber was a tomb."

"Yes, but why are we being sent down here now?"

"I can only assume Merlin thinks the time is right for the northern chamber to be looked at."

"But what's in it?"

Their feet hit the base of the shaft and Grayle spoke sombrely into the gloom. "We're about to find out."


As Arthur hurried towards the defences, another flight of arrows sped from the raised platform in the centre of the upper fort, prompting a roar of apprehension and fear from the advancing Saxons, followed shortly after by the repeated thudding sound of arrows hitting raised shields.

"Guinevere! Reduce your fire for a while, let them think we've run out of arrows," he shouted up at his wife who waved her acknowledgment. The arrow fire reduced suddenly and, at a shouted order from the Saxon commanders, the blond-braided warriors flooded forwards, powering up the slope as a few desultory bow shots headed skywards.

Arthur reached the southern edge of the circular fort, joining Mark on the step to peer over the wall at the incoming mass of men. He raised a hand above his head, sword in hand as if raised in challenge. He looked over his shoulder at his wife who raised her hand to acknowledge his intention and, as he roared in defiance at the Saxons, prompting an answering roar from the defenders, he dropped his hand and Guinevere behind him shouted the order. The front rank of the Saxons dropped like a stone, scythed down like new-mown hay. Guinevere had staged the archers, producing a rolling and continuous arrow barrage that took down several ranks of the incoming army before their shields were raised again.

Arthur, looked about, casting around for a particular figure. "Elyan!" he called and the boy appeared beside him dressed in a pot helm and ill-fitting chainmail vest. "Go to Queen Guinevere and ask her how many arrows and ballistae bolts she has left, report back to me as quickly as you can."

"Yes, sir!" the boy said and sped away.

"Mark, how're we doing?"

"We're about to get attacked Arthur!"

"I know that. I meant how many are we facing?"

"I think there's still well over a thousand of them, they're getting confident now, look."

Mark pointed to the rear of the advancing force where Hengist could be seen striding up the hill, his standard bearers carrying the fluttering flags showing Hengist's wolf's head banner marching either side of him. Morgause, dressed in a light leather jerkin and trews walked up beside him. Hengist was shouting, exhorting his troops onwards to victory.

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