Chapter One

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Chapter One

Silence. Some say silence is golden, you know. More cherish-able than gold, perhaps. It was a human saying, but I doubted it was a human way of thinking. 

Either way, I did not feel as if this silence was anything worth cherishing. I wondered, did they have any saying about how scary silence could be, as well?

My mind blanked, caught in the casual usage of the word ‘scary’. Was silence scary? It seemed a bit impractical. How could something such as the absence of noise scare me? I felt myself blank, again. 

Did I…Did silence scare me?

I didn’t feel scared. However, I had never felt fear. Is this what it felt like? Silence wasn’t scary, I don’t guess. It could not hurt me. So, no, I don’t suppose I was scared. 

My eyes opened, and I had found that I was lying on a metal slab — operation table — and was dimly aware a human would have been cold where their bare skin met with the surface. Perhaps I was?

Nevertheless, being cold was an unpleasant feeling, I was sure. I wasn’t feeling particularly unpleasant. Therefore, I had been neither cold nor scared. 

My body moved in an upright position, and I noticed a piece of white fabric had been lain across the front of my body — covering it. Moreover, as I swung my legs across the table, something told me to wrap the cloth around me. 

Humans aren’t generally comfortable with the naked body. 

I didn’t really mind, the feeling of embarrassment just as foreign to me as the other feelings I had tested. But, it was a human custom to hide yourself from others. They had always been secretive beings, I supposed. 

Maybe modesty was just a thing. 

My feet met the floor with a soft thud, the bareness of my skin allowing me to feel the texture of the linoleum floor. My foot easily glided across the texture, myself being fascinated in the way it felt. 

“And her sense of feel?”

“Working on it, sir.”

I frowned, trying to remember more of what I assumed to be a memory. But, there were no faces to match with the voices. And, even then, I had no recollection of their voices — the pitch of both being completely unfamiliar. 

I looked around in what seemed to be a small laboratory. I didn’t have memory of anything. 

Just activated. 

I spotted what seemed to be a mirror, and glided towards it. When I peered into the reflective glass, I was surprised to find straight alabaster colored hair, falling just past my shoulders. And, then, silver, hallowed out grey for the color of my eyes. My skin was so fair, so white. 

What did you expect?

More than one color, maybe. 

Should I feel disappointed? I didn’t know. However, wasn’t there supposed to be someone here? To witness my activation?

Should I find someone?

The lab looked abandoned — hopeless. I don’t think anyone would be coming back. And, what would I do if they decided not to? What if the humans needed me?

“Oh! Oh my!” The man’s face was flushed with a cherry red adoring his cheeks, bringing up a faint resemblance of another old, fat man. Old traditions following an old, jolly fellow who would sneak into children’s homes to deliver presents — a tradition that had died out before even Smith, here, had been born. Did he know of that legend, I wondered. “This is a very unexpected turn of events, indeed! Pleasant, but unexpected!”

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2013 ⏰

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