Chapter 2

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Above is the pic of Anastasia

Anastasia P.O.V

I don't know what happened to Ethan. I didn't cheat on him and how can I?

God, I don't have any place to stay. I only have $200 what I will do. It's night...

I walked further without having any destination set in my mind. The chilling wind, the dark sky, and the moon were there with me. With each step further my heart was beating so loud. I couldn't believe myself that Ethan kicked me out and left me alone in this darkest night.

I stood abruptly and looked at the dark sky, where the moon was sitting like a goddess and the stars were dancing around her.

The road was deserted and me standing there like a loser. It gave me a chilling feeling all over the body when I realized I have lost my only states of happiness.
I don't know how I'm going to look after my child when my life is in this condition.

This place is scary. I cannot see a single person. At least a shelter to stand. I guess God hates me. That's why when I was born my parents left me, and now Ethan too.

I don't have someone to say as my family. I thought Ethan would be there for me in all my ups and downs but here look at me, lost everything and standing like a big zero.

I saw a house far. I ran with all my strength to reach there as fast as possible.

I knocked on the door

An old lady opened and stared at me. I was surprised to see her, she was my old boss at the grocery where I used to work while I was studying in high school

"Anna, why are you here at this time? What happened to you?" She asked me.

I couldn't lie to her because she was like a mother to me who had really helped me a lot.

I didn't realize my tears were making their way through my cheeks.

"Ethan left me," I told her sobbing. It hurts a lot even when thinking about what happened between me and Ethan.

"Why?" She asked me as she came and hugged me

"I don't know why. But he is telling that I had cheated on him" I told each word while my heart was breaking into billions of shattered pieces.

"Oh god! Come in" she took me inside

"Anna don't cry! Listen I'll talk to Ethan about this. I know how much you love Ethan" she told me

"No Amanda, he hates me. I want to go away from him. I want to die but the reason I didn't try to kill myself is only for my child. I don't want to kill an innocent child". I told as memories of Ethan came into my mind

Those good times
Happy moments
Peaceful days
All are gone now...

"You are pregnant?" She asked me with wide eyes

I nodded

The tears didn't stop. I cried, I cried to give away all my sorrows away. I blamed my destiny for all my heartaches

I love him
I don't want to believe that he had left me all alone


After 5 days

I went to the café where I used to work before. Maggie, the owner was surprised to see me but accept me as a worker. My salary is $3.50 per hour and my shift is only for 5 hours, so I could make $600 hardly a month. To meet my expenses I have to find an extra job.


Hi guys,

I know this is a lame update but I will try to improve for good updates.

So, please




With love
EMMA (Shinominogig)

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