Chapter 25

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Anastasia's POV

Right now I am traveling to Sri Lanka with Cold headed Devil "The Great Ethan Spencer!'.

It is really hard to travel to some other countries leaving two kids at home.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when Ethan asked "Anna! Are you OK?"

"Yeah I was just thinking about something," I told him

"Oh, OKkk! Well, you need some drinks?"

"No!" Was my reply.

I fixed my dress and started admiring the beautiful clouds.

They were in different shapes but I feel like they are white cotton candies.

This is not my first time on a plane but this time it feels like something special to me.

This is not my first time on a plane but this time it feels like something special to me

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{After 18 hours}


"Welcome to Sri Lanka!" I told Anna

"Wow! I am very excited to be here!!" she said

Well, after begging and convincing Anna we are finally here.

" Hey! Why is that lady drooling over you?" Anna asked possessively.

"if she wants to drool over me then Ok no problem," I told her

"Ohh really? You forgot something I guess." She told

" what is that something I had forgotten?" I asked her confusedly

"it's nothing but you are a dad of "TWO" kids!!" she told slightly turning her head

"I know that very well and what you are saying is looking like "I am making out with that makeup doll", I said

"Thanks to you for telling me the freaking thing that was in your mind!" she told anger rising from zero degrees to 100 degree Celsius within a fraction of minutes.

Honestly, the only thing that is in my mind is only you, Anna. I was thinking about making you mine again.

"seriously?" I said

"No joking," she told with "you come here, I will choke you to death" that kind of face.

I moved towards her side and gave her a side hug and told "Calm down Anna! I am sorry for hurting you and I had already deleted all the girls from my life except YOU"

"Really? But it's too late for accepting your apology" she told

I didn't answer back, we walked towards our car which was already arranged by the co-working company.

On the way to our desired destination, none of us spoke. Both of us were silent for some weird reason.

Finally! the car come to an abrupt stop.

I got out of the car at first. I help Anna to come out of the car.

We were welcomed with staffs of that hotel wearing Sri Lankan traditional costume.

"සූර්ය හෝටල් මහතා සහ මහත්මිය මෑන්හැටන් වෙත ඔබව සාදරයෙන් පිළිගනිමු"

I was totally confused about what they were saying

I ask my co-working partner Aruna, what was the staff saying.

he smiled and told "Mr. Spencer! actually h,e greeted you by saying "welcome to Surya hotel Mr. and Mrs. Spencer"

Mrs. Spencer? Yea soon to be Mrs. Spencer! again!!

"Ohh! well is that language Sinhala?" I asked him to know more about Sri Lanka, an island looking like tea ar drop of India.

"It's Sinhala and here we speak two languages mainly, one is Sinhala and the other one is Tamil",  he told

"Good! that's actually interesting!" I told

he smiled

I turned my head to the right


Suddenly, I noticed someone was glaring at me and it's none other than......


Hey guys!

sorry for the late update :(

hope you like this chapter!

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your lovingly,



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