Author's Note + Character Contest Results

161K 2.6K 482

Dear you,

So this is the last thing I'm going to post on this project before I put that little satisfying green tick next to the title. Completed. It's hard to believe that I actually started this 6 months ago, just as a fun sort of project. Or maybe not so surprising when you read my first chapters, they make me laugh to read them.

So there are several people I would like to thank, because that's just what you do.

Firstly, my friends. Even though you were never meant to find out about this, and I'm still not sure you understand the concept of 'secret', I am glad you did. Kat, thanks for always being supportive, and editing when I was about to tear my hair out. Devin, thanks for giving me plot ideas, like just killing everyone off or having green squiggly aliens invade. Sophie and Tasha - I'm sorry I never got to put you into the story, but hey, maybe you'll get there in the edited version. And besides, you always annoyed me enough to motivate me to write the new chapter. So merci, in a twisted way!

Secondly, I have to thank my family. Not ONE of you have read this story yet, so there is no way you're going to be able to read this. But still, the thought is what counts, right? Thanks for teasing me, embarassing me, and telling me that I'll never be able to make a living out of writing. I know you meant it kindly :)

Thirdly, most of the people bothering to read this: my FANS. The thing is, I love praise. It's what motivates me to work hours on school projects four hours more than everyone else, because I just like getting that 'good job' and a pat on that back. And you guys, well, you guys are just amazing. Every chapter, since the very beginning, you've showered praise on me. You might just think it was just one line of 'this is great', or 'i LOVE this story, and this character' - but to me, it meant the world. Without you guys, I wouldn't be writing this. Most of you will know that I've never finished a book before, and you're the only reason I have.



Special Mentions:

tairoche: After EVERY chapter, I only had to wait a few days before I got a PM from you. Your compliments, questions and assumptions were wonderful to read every time. I can't thank you enough taking the time to write it. You had me laughing, comparing your ideas with mine, and remembering small moments in my plot that I had all but forgotten. You were, and still are, A.W.E.S.O.M.E.

LiveLoveLaugh39: Yes you, my special wattpad friend. The one thing I didn't think would happen when I posted my story on here would be to make friends. I didn't even know Wattpad had a chat until random people started to talk to me. And you, my friend, are a very special friend. Yeah, I meant to say it like that :) Your messages had me laughing the whole time when we talked about the most randomest things. Remember when you promised you wouldn't rest until me and a person were together? Haha, yeah, that didn't work out :P But still, now I get the chance to do the same to you. Mwahahaha >:)

What else to say?

Yes, you're all wondering about a sequel. I will NOT be writing it this summer, that's for sure. At the moment, I am going through the harsh process of editing. I will not be posting the edited version on Wattpad, but on another website, Inkpop. Go check it out if you want to, but I'll warn you, it's VERY different (the story, that is). - The story is renamed Feral, and under the same username: nessie64

And don't think I'm abandoning you Wattpadders. Never ever. Inkpop specializes in critiquing, and that's what I really need if I want to make my writing publishing worthy. And ughhh, they're HARSH. Unlike here, where you FRIENDLY people say loads of great things, Inkpot is merciless. I posted the beginning yesterday, and 5 critiques later and I'm running back crying to Wattpad. No, I know it's their job to find faults in all my work, and I'll get used to it, but I STILL LOVE YOU MORE! <3


Thank you everyone who submitted. I got loads of ideas, and LOADS of amazing actors and actresses. Some of them who I would never have thought of, but still fit perfectly.

Here are the winners:

Brent: Drew Roy

Liza: Ashley Benson

Kane: Kellan Lutz

Wes: Cam Gigandet

Hailey: Ashley Greene

Rosie: Emma Stone

I won't be posting them on the side --> there, because I still want first time readers to imagine their perfect Brent :) Maybe once watty awards rolls around, I'll post them. But yeah, that's all for now.

Hope you like them :)

And yeah... that's all I have to say.


Have an amazing, sunny summer!

Nessie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

P.S. Oh yeah, one more person I would like to thank. WATTPAD! With all those wattpad helpers and people had not made this site, I would be sitting here at the beginning of summer, starting a new story AGAIN after giving up after my old one. Merci, and you're still my favourite! :D WATTPADDER FOREVER!

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