Tails house

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Emerald eyes slowly opened as sonic looked around to see he was on a couch cover in a blanket and it looked like it was tails house. I don't remember tails house being so big he thought as he tried to get down from the couch only to fall on his behind. He had to hold in a yelp as he heard voices from the kitchen.

Slowly he crawled to the kitchen so no one would see him. "I would love to take care of him shadow, but if I'm going to make a machine to turn him back I'm going to need a quiet house and time, and I barely get that with normal sonic, imagine toddler sonic" tails said with a chuckle. Said toddler crossed his arms and stuck out his bottom lip I'm not that loud he thought as shadow's voice could be heard.

"I don't know the first thing about taking care of a annoying blue hedgehog, can't anyone else do it?" Groaned shadow. "Amy won't be able yo keep up with him, cream is to small, knuckles..I don't even want to think what he will do if he gets mad at him..silver and blaze are out of town and everyone else is out of the question" replied the two tailed fox.

"Ugh...fine I'll take care of him, but you better hurry up with that machine." The black hedgehog replied. "Thanks so much shadow! Here I have a bag full of things you might need, clothes, soap, food, you know the normal stuff" yelled a happy tails.

Soap? What a minute Shadow taking care of me is one thing but a bath? No no no and what if he gets mad at me! He could chaos blast me or spear. All of this was running through sonics mind as he crawled away trying to hide somewhere. Slowly he stood on his feet almost falling but walked away were can I hide?

"Heh..I can run outside" he said in a low voice as he headed for the Door that had lucky been left open. Freedom he was so close he wobbled out of the door frame about to walk on the grass when he felt two strong hands pick him up from behind. "Down down!!" Yelled sonic as he saw the floor and his freedom get smaller and smaller. He got turned around and emerald eyes looked Straight at crimson eyes. "Sorry faker but I can't let you wonder of somewhere , you might get hurt." He said the last part in a child voice while holding sonic in one hand, who had his arms crossed , and the bag of stuff in the other hand. "Hurry up with that machine fox boy" said the black blur before taking out a chaos emerald "CHAOS-and poof he was gone.

Tails when back to work on the machine "I hope sonic is good, for his own safety that is." He said with a laugh as we picked up a hammer and continued working.

So up next some shadow and sonic time yay!! Also please comment and vote so I can update the next chapter.

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