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Wow 121 reads and 34 votes!! Thx guys :):) *gives you all a cookie* now time for the show...(also this will be shadowXrouge because that was more popular) now on with the show for real....
Shadow p.o.v

"I'm going by myself to save him" I told Rouge who was taking care of knuckles wounds. "In your dream handsome, no way I'm letting you go all by yourself who knows what Eggman has planned" she answered back at me as she flew to stand by me. "He already has sonic, I don't want to risk anyone getting captured or hurt, and besides someone has to take care of knucklehead I think he hit his head to hard" I said with a smirk as I pointed a finger at the guardian who just fell over for the 5th time trying to stand.

"Fine but take care" she said as she kissed my cheek before flying of to help knuckles get his head out of the ground. I'm glad I had dark fur so you couldn't see my cheeks turning red that much. In a flash I appeared In front of Dr.Eggman's newest base.

I walk up to do door not knowing what I should do when two robots came out, then I knew what I had to do ok if I let then capture me then they will take me to Eggman and I can find sonic "come at me you slowbots!" I yelled as I ran some circles around then I have to stop hanging out with sonic so much, I'm starting to sound like him I thought as I rolled my eyes and stopped in front on the robots.

"Come on at less give me a challenge!" I yelled at the robots as they tried to catch me but missed. Ok here goes nothing I thought as I tripped on a rock and fell to the ground I could see the robots out of the corner of my eye as it reached out a claw to grab me. I stayed still as it picked me up with a huge claw and they entered the base.

After what felt like a hour we entered a room with a table and the back of a chair. The chair turned around and there was Eggman , hands put together with a satisfying smile hidden underneath his mustache. "Well well well, look who we have here" he said as he started to play with his mustache. "Doctor" I greeted not wanting to get on his bad side, yet.

"I know why your here shadow, and I hope you know you can't win this time" he said as he stood up and walked up to me he put a finger under my chin and lifted it so that I was looking right at him. " you see, soon I'll erase sonic's memories and the yours and with both of y'all captured, you should just give up" he said as I pulled away my head from him. "But you forgot one thing doctor" I replied with a glare "and what is that?" He asked pretending to be surprised.

"I'm shadow the unlimited  life form!" I yelled as I broke free of the robots and quickly destroyed them with a blast before walking out of the smoke right up to Eggman. "Now were is sonic?" I asked as I held up a Chaos spear up to his neck "I-I'll show you" he replied shaking "if you try any tricks you will pay" I replied before making the spear disappear and stepping aside so he could lead.

He walked ahead of me and we did many turns before walking up to a blue door, he typed In a password before the door opened. I walked in and the lights came on. I saw a crib and walked up to it slowly, I looked inside only to see something shivering under a blanked. "Sonic?" I asked as I lifted the blanked to show the little blue blur. "Shadow? Is that you? He asked as he looked up to me with red eyes like he hadn't slept in days "yes" I replied before he stood up and held out his arms wanting me to pick him up.

As soon as I picked him up he hugged me tight and buried his face in my fur and surprisingly started to cry I could barley understand what he said but what I understood made my blood boil. "Eggman.....h-he....spanked....m-meeee!!!!" He cried into my fur, his voice muffled by my fur. I looked up to see Eggman trying to sneak off.

I held sonic with one hand and used the other to pin Eggman to the wall "if you ever touch him again you will be sorry" I groaned before letting him go "you better be happy sonic is here in this state or I wouldn't be so nice" I said before disappearing with sonic still crying.

We appeared in a field of flowers I was tired and sonic was asleep so I laid in the grass with sonic beside me and closed my eyes.

I woke up a while later and noticed I had flower petals all over me. I felt something behind my ears and reached up to find two flowers behind my ears. "Sonic?" I asked as I looked for him I panicked a minute before I heard some soft snoring. I got up and found sonic asleep in a flower bed, with a pretty red flower in his hand. I walked up and picked him up, and hugged him. I stayed there hugging him for a while and then Whispered in his ear that was on my shoulder "I promise to never let anything like this happen to you again , little brother" surprisingly I heard a reply " I'm not that small, your just old, big bro" he said with a toddler version of his cocky voice before he fell asleep again and I teleported us back home.

so there you have it please comment if  I need to fix anything and don't forget to vote! Catch ya next time. Btw I love this pic I added so cute!!

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