Back to School

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Chapter 12

Cas pov.
When Dean and I woke up, we decided to stay in bed for the day. "Boys get out here now," the Doctor yelled as he banged on the door. We quickly got dressed. Dean was wearing a AC/DC shirt, dark blue jeans, brown combat boots, and a dark brown jacket. I was wearing a My Chemical Romance shirt, black,ripped skinny jeans, all black converse, and a leather jacket. We then ran down stairs to the Tardis controls. "A little change of plans. Instead of us going to New York, you two are going back to school for one last time," the Doctor said. We went and got our backpacks. Then we went back to the controls and waited for the Tardis to land. After it landed we got Dean's car and parked it in the front of the building.

We were early, so we went to talk to Dean's friends. "Hey you two," Charlie said. "Where have Y'all been?" Benny asked. "Dean was a little to sad to go to school and I was sick," I said. "Well I'm glad you both got better," Samandriel said. The bell rang and we all went to our lockers. I don't why, but Dean lingered behind me and I couldn't see him. I was getting stuff out of my locker, when I heard someone being slammed against a locker. I closed my locker and went to see what was happening.

I saw Dean being held against a locker by Azazel. While Crowley and Lucifer were watching. "Hey leave him alone," I yelled. "No, you fuck off or this will happen to you too," Azazel said. "Oi look faggot your flamboyant rainbow bitch is here to save you," Crowley said which made everyone laugh.

I then approached Azazel and grabbed his wrist which made him drop Dean. I then punched him in the gut. He tried to uppercut me but missed. I punched him in the jaw and he was knocked out. I then walked over to Lucifer and did the same. Crowley, on the other hand, was harder to beat up. He got a few punches in, but so did I. "Oi Castiel you have no idea what you're doing," Crowley said. That was my chance. I grabbed him by his collar and picked him up. I shoved him against a locker, but right before I could hit him a teacher stopped me. "Castiel, what are you doing!?" The teacher yelled. "None of your fucking business," I say as I drop Crowley. I grab Dean and run to the Impala. I then notice he's unconscious. I sit him in the back seat, and I call the Doctor. The phone rang then he answered.

~ Phone Call ~
(D=Doctor, C=Cas)
D: Hello Cas!
C: Doctor, Dean is unconscious in the back seat of the Impala.
D: Castiel Novak, what the hell did you do to my son!?!?
C: I didn't do anything. It was Azazel.
D: Oh I'm gonna kill this Azazel kid.
C: Well get here quick. I'll have to call you back, he's waking up.
~ End Of Phone Call ~

"Oh Deanie I'm so glad you're awake," I say as I lean in to kiss him, but he stops me. "Woah, dude I don't swing that way," he says. "Dammit Dean," I say and tears threatened to fall from my eyes. I know Dean's here, but my Dean isn't. I then started to full on bawl out tears. "Dude, are you okay? Please stop crying," Dean said. "What the hell did you do with Dean!?!?" I yelled. "I am Dean. Who the hell are you?" Dean said. "I'm Castiel, your boyfriend," I said. "Dude, I like girls not boys," Dean said. "You do like boys, and I'll prove it," I say.

AN: How will Cas prove that 'Dean' likes boys? There may or may not be smut in the next chapter. If there is smut, it will be slight smut not full on boy on boy action. But there will be full on boy on boy action in the future. ;-]

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