Chapter 26: 3rd POV

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I will soon upload the story reveal video!

Hermione led Umbridge and Harry through the Forbidden Forest; going deeper and deeper within it every minute.

Percy followed at a distance having some idea of Hermione'd plan.

And he thought it was a worse plan than his archery skills. Or stupider than he was at twelve.

It was like back talking a god: you never knew if you would live or become the new scorch mark no one knows how came to be there.

Stupid, yet a whole lot of fun. So not surprisingly, Percy followed, excited for a fight.

Harry was watching Hermione carefully. He knew where she was headed, and he didn't like it.

Who knew Hermione could be so evil?

Maybe Draco rubbed off on her after she punched him. That was amazing to witness in their third year.

Hermione was carrying along fine. She kept walking and acting scared even though that wasn't hard. She was terrified. After all, she was in the Forbidden Forest. But she was nothing compared to Umbridge.

Umbridge was seemingly calm on the outside, but inside as they trekked along, she was freaking out. Umbridge never did like this forest. Filthy HalfBreeds were found all over. Like centaurs, the nasty creatures.

And at that thought, the centaurs rode into the forest opening, glaring at her.



Not very proud. But I keep forgetting when my next update is until the reminder goes off.

I'll try harder next time. But it's when they get to the ministry that I really want to come.

Would y'all be against me speeding this part up. Like speed of light speed up but a little slower?


Love y'all


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