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Pauline June's POV

I closed the locker door of gym and walked out. I feel so uncomfortable in the gym dress. Urrgh... I hate this dress. I came out to the gym room and all the girls are there talking and gossiping. Boys are doing some warm ups. I was about to go and sit, when a hand caught my arm. I looked up to find none other than Nick.

"Hey Baby girl!", he greeted me with his charming smile.

"Hi Bad boy", I said smiling at him.

"You will be on my team today", he declared.

"But coach didn't announce any thing about who is captain today and what game we are palying".

"I just asked him. Me and Ryan are captains".

"Woah! Tough competition. But you know I am not good at sports. You should not put me in your team if you should win". He pulled me by waist to him and I looked around shyly to find everyone looking at us.

"I don't care. You will be on my team".

"Nick, leave me. Everyone is watching us", I said in a low voice. He then suddenly kissed my cheek.

"Good. Then they will know that you are mine and only mine", he said and placed a small and sweet kiss on my lips. I blushed and smiled back. Then coach called him and he left. But I feel something... something is wrong in my heart. Maybe it's because of what Jane said.

I am walking in the hallway with my head down while someone bumped into me. I looked up and found Jane looking at me.

"See who it is? The once poor nerd or should I call you the slut", she spat and I cringed at her words.

"I am not one. I am not like you", I said back.

"Oh see, who got the mouth to talk back", she said sarcastically.

"What do you want Jane?".

"Nothing from you. But I just want to ask you something".


"Are you and Nicolas in love?".

"Umm... No".

"Good. Then don't fall in love. Cause all you get is a heartbreak in the end".

"What are you talking about Jane?".

"Oh you know, he is the bad boy and he likes having girls under him. I mean fucking them. You are an easy fuck for him. That's it. Once he will have, he will leave you. So, just be careful", she said and walked off with her minons following her. I watch her disappear in the crowd.

I didn't know what to think about for a few minutes. Then I recalled all the moments between us and never once did he behave like that with me. If he really wanted to just have sex with me, he would have done it a long time ago. I brushed the thoughts off when I heard coach calling us. I looked up and found that Nick is standing in the boy's line. I stood in the girl's line at the last.

Nick looked at me and found my unhappy face. He gave me a questioning look and raised his head in a what-happened way. I shook my head and smiled at him. He nodded his head and turned back to coach. The coach started talking.

"Okay guys. Today we will play volleyball. Nicolas and Ryan will be the team captains. Choose your team mates guys. Ryan you first", he said. Ryan and Nick nodded at each other.

"Pauline", he said and I looked at him with shock on my face. Everyone has the same look except coach. Nick looked at him angrily. Ryan smirked. Nick looked at him like he is about to punch him. I shook my head and went to stand behind Ryan.

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