Chapter 3

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I'm such a bad son...

"Goodmorning, Gakuchin~", Daddy Kai suddenly greeted and still smiled.

He still smiled.

He acted like nothing happened yesterday.

But all I just did is to ignore him and went out.

I thought he's going to say this to Daddy Gak...




I should just apologize soon...

I sighed.

But then...

"Whoops! Looks like you're troubled eh, Gay-kuto?", a voice said and put his arm on my shoulder.

"Tsk! Leave me alone!", all I said and on the act of walking away when...

"Are your parents really gays?", he frankly asked.



"If you don't have anything to say with sense, get the hell out of my sight! Or you want to receive a good punch on your face?!", I exclaimed.

Then, they started laughing.

"You know, we're very sorry~ We're just teasing you~ But all of the people here in school are not sure if your parents are really gays.", he said while chuckling. "You're just over-reacting."


What's this guy saying?

"It's just easy~ Prove to us that your parents are not gays~"


"Then, we'll stop bothering you. Okay?~"


Prove to them?


I gulped.


"Waaahh~ You really have a nice house, Gakuto!"

"Shut up!", all I just said.

"Oh~ Wow! Are they your friends, Gakuchin?", a voice suddenly said.

"Pfft. Gakuchin???!!!!!", they laughed.


"It's Gakuto! Gakuto!!!!"

And Daddy Kai smiled.

"Alright, sorry. It's Gakuto.", he sweetly said. "But your Daddy Gak is still not here. He'll probably be happy to meet your friends."


What the hell...

Like he'll do...

"Wait, Uncle-san! Are you his daddy too?", the other dude immediately asked him.

"Huh? Of cour –", Daddy Kai immediately answered but...


"You're not my daddy, right?! You're just my uncle, right?!!", I hurriedly said and looked him into his eyes.

And just that...


I saw his blue eyes got shocked.

But I didn't mind them.

"You're not my daddy, right?!!!", I asked again.

Come on!

Don't embarrass me in front of them!

Tell them, you're not!!!!


"Of course... I'm his uncle... I'm his mother's brother...", Daddy Kai lied and looked like hurt but still tried to smile.


Something just pinched my heart.

"Oh! That's why, you don't look alike!", the guy who asked a while ago said.

"You know, Uncle-san, it was being told in school that his parents were gays so we asked you to confirm it and it's good that it's not true!"


H-He didn't have to say that...!!!


He'll be...




"I see... Don't just believe with rumors, okay?", he only said.





Daddy Kai...

"I'll get you snacks.", he said cheerfully and smiled a bit.


"Gakuto! We didn't know that your uncle is good-looking and kind! Wow!"


"Sorry about bullying you, 'kay?", the other one said.

"...No prob..."




Daddy Kai...

He probably hates me now...

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