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Lagniappe.....a little extra, a bonus (the last child born many years after his/her siblings)

Las' Lap (Last Lap) Last minute street partying on Carnival Tuesday which goes until midnite when Ash Wednesday begins. The very last of Carnival.

Leave.....Trini syntax Left "Me eh see she again, she leave de fete long time!"

Lef dat.....Leave that

Leh.....Let, let's

Leh go.....Let go

Leh we.....Let us

Lick dong....To accidentally hit someone or something

Licks.....A beating, physical punishment

Like t'ing.....To be somewhat mischievous

Lil'bit.....In small meaningless portions

Lime.....to hang out in a casual atmosphere, loafing e.g. "I feeling to lime."

pre-arranged activity(hangin out)

Long eye.....A person who is envious of the possessions of others

Look nuh! .....An expression of annoyance

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