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Pan*.....Steel band, invented in Trinidad in the 1930's, melodic percussion instruments made out of oil drums. One hundred piece steel orchestras compete playing classical, soca, pop during Carnival.

Pahtnah.....(Partner, Padna) Trini for "homeboy" used by older Trini males

Panty-man....tell tell

Palance....pal·an·ce Pronunciation: \ˈpəl-ann-se\ 

Function: verb 

Etymology: Trinidadian dialect, from the East-West corridor vernacular; akin to Middle english 'wander'

Date: Late 2007


1. palancing (verb) - to wander in pursuit of a lime. 

2. palancing (verb) - general term refers to the action of aimlessly wandering anywhere

3. palancing (noun) - name of popular song by Jason Williams and Blaze in the Trinidad 

Definition courtesy Ken Sambury 

Pallet.....Frozen lolly

Papa yooo! .....Exclamation of surprise

Parang.....music played during Christmas time. Parang has a lot of Spanish influences.

Patois.....local dialect 


Piarco.....The international airport in Trinidad.

Picker.....thorns e.g. "Doh touch dat rose bush. It have rel pickers."

Picong.....to insult in a jesting manner

Pissin' tail.....A person of no class or importance

Plann-asse.....To hit someone continuously with the flat part of a


Playin' social.....Someone who pretends to be of a higher social strata than they are

Pong.....Pound, to have sex with / pound e.g. "Gih meh two pongs of tomatoes dey tantie."

Poohar.....see dotish

Po-po.....Very small child, baby

Port of Spain.....Capitol city of Trinidad and Tobago, located in northwest Trinidad.

Pot hound / pot hong.....a mixed dog; sometimes used as an insult e.g. yuh lazy pothound!

Prim-prim.....Disgustingly proper and formal

Punannie.... A sweeet vagina (O_o)

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