Chapter 3: The Magic Word

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This chapter is dedicated to Amanda Pate, one of the best writers I've seen on Wattpad and my fellow judge on the Write Awards. 


"What the hell happened to you?"

This welcoming response greeted Simon when he finally entered the bookstore.

"It started to rain."

Adam took in Simon's disheveled hair and drenched clothes. "Sounds torrential," he remarked.

"It was."

Adam turned to the inside of the bookstore, already dismissing Simon's unlucky weather relations. He walked into the classics section, Simon following close behind. "Well, it's like every other bookstore I've been to."

"I'll t-take that as a c-compliment." Simon managed to say through chattering teeth.

Adam studied the familiar names, finally pulling out a limited edition of A Christmas Carol. He held the book up so Simon could see the title. "You know, whenever I read this book, I always think fondly of you."

Simon let out a shaky laugh, trying to keep his voice level when he replied, even though he felt like his stomach was saturated with lead and all he wanted to do was submerge himself in a darkened room and scream out his frustration. He took a deep, calming breath then tried to sound as Simon-ish as possible. "Scrooge is both my favorite character and my worst disappointment. He began the story as a role model to all mankind and ended it as a man brought down by a trivial ghost."

Adam chuckled, putting the book haphazardly on a conveniently located shelf.

Simon winced at the atrocity committed and automatically went to correct the error, putting the book safely in its rightful place.

There was a flash of lightning, followed by the earthquake rumble of thunder, a flickering of the lights, and then all that was left the sound of pattering rain on the roof and Simon's chattering teeth.

"You must be freezing," Adam commented.

"Obviously," Simon snapped.

He dragged his legs, which were heavier than usually on account of how much water his pants had absorbed, to the backroom, his boots squeaking loudly. He felt an annoyance at Adam's presence. He just wanted to be left alone. Of course, today of all days, was the only time his wishes could not be realized. He was required to play the part of the host, but all he needed to do was to forget.

Simon grabbed the duffel bag of emergency clothes that he kept under the counter. "I'm going to clean up."

Simon closed the bathroom door firmly behind him and double-checked to make sure the lock was secure. Then he looked at his face in the mirror, his heart suffering from severe palpitations. He reminded himself that he didn't have the time to panic, to break down. Not with Adam just a room away.

I'm okay, he told himself.

His brain rejected any truth in those words, but he ignored its protests. The falsehood was the only thing that gave him the strength to peel off his soaking clothes, trading them for a warm, dry T-shirt and jeans. His sanity improved a little, though the issue of the doors still lingered persistently in the back of his mind.

Simon studied himself in the mirror carefully. His face was shiny from the rain, water droplets clung stubbornly to his eyelashes, and his eyes has a wide, animal like look about them, all variables adding up to a crazed appearances. He tested his smile in the mirror and then winced at the results that stared back at him. The smile only enhanced the wild aura that surrounded him like cologne. He sighed, thinking to himself there was nothing he could do change that. He was shaken to the core of his being by what had happened. It was inevitable that it would show on his face. He could only hope that Adam wouldn't notice.

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