Chapter 16: The Way, Foreshadowed.

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CHAPTER SIXTEEN: The Way, Foreshadowed

I left after that, leaving Simon alone to his thoughts and alone to find the way. Hehe, it was to be excited. Oh the clues I had left for Simon! I couldn't wait for him to see what I had in store for him, but patience, patience. I have to write my way there and unfortunately, you, my readers always want a slow pacing, with description, imagery, and build up of plot so its not like I can just skip to the fun parts. Sigh. 

After I had left Simon once again alone to dwell on his thoughts, he did as I said and dwelled on his thoughts. He should have known that his return to this world could only temporary stay; that once I had so obviously intruded in his life I was going to make a permanent stay. He had not realized it but he knew he could not have taken it all for granted again. Should he not have remembered the palace door? He was resentful. He assumed that the girl (ella was her name, but he has yet to refer to her as that) was in on the plan the entire time. He guessed that it was part of the plan for her to reveal everything to Simon and to explain her role and the importance of it to him and to say that she also thought I was evil. He thought she had lied when she said that she had not been in contact with me since he had returned from the world, that it had not been part of the plan and that when she said she had no longer any idea of what I was planning for him. Simon thought the girl had played him this entire time.

She had played him, but not in the way Simon thought she did. Her character was designed in such a way that I had no need to tell her what to do, she just would do it because it was her nature to, because she thought it was her own choice [by the way, what messages are you trying to give with this story? Don't trust writers, they will ruin your fictional life?]. She was, in other words, the perfect guide for this particular guide, just like how Simon would be the perfect guide for the story I had in mind. Of course, this was a ridiculous concept—most writers don't focus on guides, rather on themes and motifs and all that wonderful crap. Plus, it was always looked down upon when a writer recycled one of her characters from another story into a new story, but let's face it: completely brand new, creative characters every single time I right a new story, is a bit too much to ask for. It is impossible to be totally objective every single time I write. There is bound to be some overlap. I am human after all.

It seems I am developing a habit of getting off topic. I apologize, my dear reader, for this flaw. I am wasting both of our precious times, it would seem. I am sorry about this. Anyways, let us return to the story.

Simon was pissed at the girl for lying to him but he did not know he did not need to be angry. Stranded on a random street in the city of Manchester in the country of England (or United Kingdom. Which is politically correct and which makes people angrier/more annoyed?).

He could not return to Adam's house. He had done irreparable damage to his relationship with Adam, one that he knew couldn't be fixed, or if it could possible be fixed, could only be fixed by Simon leaving for a long time. He knew the Writer said to follow the signs and because of his unwillingness to go back to Adam's house to retrieve his belonging, he he hoped that he would see the signs soon. He just thanked himself on thinking about bringing his wallet with him as opposed to just leaving it on his bedside table—or he really would have been screwed.

He started to walk around mindlessly. He had no idea what the signs I was talking about where, but he assumed since I was a writer that they would be something like a concept out of Alice in Wonderland. How audacious! To think I would borrow from someone else's story like that! How utterly rude and insulting!

Well, I had to admit, his accusations was based on good evidence. But there was not going to be a rabbit hole in this story. There was going to be rain, thunder, and a really pretty haunted-looking gate.

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