Chapter Six

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Sophie saw from the serving of the first course that she had much to learn when it came to dining etiquette. Five sets of silver knives and forks sat beside white, gold-rimmed Wedgwood plates. Placed above the knives, three different types of crystal wineglasses sat in symmetry. Altogether, there were seven couples sitting around the long rosewood table, chatting with each person on either side of them at regular intervals. She watched as unobtrusively as she could at which utensil the couple sitting opposite her used to eat each course that appeared. Always a quick study, she soon learnt which fork to use with which course, which wineglass to use with which wine, and to alternate conversation with each of her dinner partners at each remove.  

On Sophie's left sat Lord Markham and she could see from the first that his attention was not really with her. He had a distant look in his eyes that she thought she knew very well. She had learnt long ago when she was a child that to interrupt her uncle's reflections was tantamount to requesting a scathing rake-down. She had no reason to believe the viscount was any different in his reactions, as he had thus far proved, and so she was extremely wary in giving offence in any way. She replied civilly and politely when his lordship spoke to her, but otherwise she did not elaborate on any topic or introduce any conversation of her own.  

They spoke in a desultory fashion of their upcoming wedding, of the various dishes set before them, of Lord Markham's estate to which they would retire at the Season's conclusion, but nothing was touched upon concerning the matter that brought them abruptly and irrevocably together. Sophie knew without question that would come later, and she was determined to find out once and for all how her uncle had achieved his aim. 

Lord Markham was bored out of his mind with his dull-witted betrothed. He had spent an hour and a half over dinner in his future bride's company, attempting to launch small conversation, but to all his efforts, she replied mostly in monosyllables.  

The viscount studied her out of the corner of his eye as he drank from his wineglass, and wondered what he had possibly seen in her at their previous meetings to give him the impression of suppressed passion. She had been nothing but meek and unobtrusive since the scene in the drawing room. She was lovely enough, he supposed, critically observing an attractive face framed by shiny, dark brown hair, her graceful neck and rounded bosom. But she was without personality and he discovered that, without some spark to ignite him, her beauty left him completely unmoved. He finally gave up and conversed with Lady Barrington instead, who sat on his other side, effectively ignoring Sophie for the rest of the meal. 

Sophie keenly felt Lord Markham's withdrawal, so she turned her attention to the gentleman seated on her other side. Lord Grosvenor proved to be a most fascinating man. As Sophie had travelled extensively when she was a child, she found his tales of his recent trip to Egypt fascinating. She swiftly forgot her trepidation, her confrontation with Lord Markham, and her aunt's earlier warning as she listened to Lord Grosvenor's description of pyramids, sphinx, and an intricately carved gold sarcophagus he had the pleasure of viewing in Cairo. She was so engrossed with his tale; she was acutely disappointed when Lady Rutherford rose to signal the ladies to leave the gentlemen with their port. 

When Lord Markham held her chair for her, he whispered. "When we have finished, I shall await you in the library." Sophie merely nodded in response, having no clue as to where the library may be. 

On reaching the drawing room, Sophie seated herself a little apart from the other ladies and was somewhat surprised when Lady Barrington sat down beside her.  

"How are you enjoying this evening, Miss Fulham?" she asked. 

"Very well, thank you," Sophie replied quietly. "Forgive me, Lady Barrington, but Lord Markham has requested an audience with me in the library, but I am quite at a loss as to where that might be. I was wondering if you may be able to tell me." 

My Honourable Viscount - Lords of Reluctance Book 2Where stories live. Discover now