Young Frian

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"Hi, I'm Brian May."

Four words. Just four words and I knew I was gone. Lost in his eyes, beautiful hazel eyes. Stolen by his soft, warm voice. So entranced, I was, by this charmingly strange new person.

I mentally slapped myself, because "you're not supposed to like other boys, Freddie!" It's the whole reason why we had to move here, to this new city. Some didn't take up well with having "a friend of Mrs. King" in their neighborhood. So, here we are, in a new city, where no one knows us. Surely they'll find out though, they always do, but maybe this time will be different. Maybe we won't have to move again.

"I'm Freddie, Freddie Bulsara... nice to meet you." he smiled as he grasped my extended hand, accepting my handshake.

His hands were warm, and for a quick second I thought about what would happen if I didn't let go. Our hands slipped away and I shook away my thoughts.

"I just wanted to invite you to the neighborhood. My mum is even baking you all a pie, if that's okay." He kindly spoke and I examined his features.
He was taller than me, yet didn't look much older than I. His alabaster skin showed much contrast to his dark, brown hair, which was neatly gelled back to his head. His large nose stuck out on his face, a prominent feature of his good looks. His overall appearance was very pleasing.

"Thank you very much, we appreciate it. I see our first welcome to the neighborhood was a warm one." I clenched the edge of the door out of nervousness.

"Brian, dear?"

"That's my mum, I should be going now. It was nice meeting you!" He stepped down from my front stoop.

"Hope to see you again soon, thank you!" I waved him off and closed the door, heart filled with hope.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2015 ⏰

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