Chapter 18: Realisation, Pleading, Truth!

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"My pride is stronger than my feelings. Don't try to play me. I could think of you 24/7 and you still wouldn't hear from me."

Caroline's POV

I ran and ran and ran. I was almost out of the gate when Sam pulled me and turned me towards him.
He was saying something. And I could'nt make out what he said. I did'nt want to hear anything from anyone right now.

So I said "take me home". He just nodded to it and pulled my hand with him.
We stopped in front of a car and he opened the door for the backseat.
I did'nt know I was actually crying sooo bad until the tears fell on my hand drop by drop.

And I just realised one thing that I love him. People say no one gets their first love. I did'nt cry as much when my boyfriend left me cause I wasn't enough for him. But when he said I'm nothing. I felt like I was dead.
I felt as though my heart was a soft chocolate bar and he was enjoying piercing and stabbing it with a knife.

Sam opened my door and I realised we are already at the penthouse.
I will never ever fall for his games!
I go to my room and sit on my bed thinking about what all has happened just within three months after my Dad died. Of course, I will not leave the job! Cause I'm not some weak girl. I know if I try to leave he'll definitely blackmail me with contract. I've signed the contract and I'm gonna follow it's rules or conditions or whatever he calls that. I've been hurt enough.

Tomorrow starts my actual day for work. I set my alarm for 5am and obviously cried myself to sleep. I don't think there'll be anything left of me if he hurts me again. 'So I'm not gonna be the person he can easily hurt' I thought and went to sleep, having left no strength to argue with myself or my fate.


Don't you sometimes think that the alarm is ringing too soon than the actual time you've set? And don't you think it's damn annoying?!
But I can't help it. I have to wake up. I was so determined yesterday I can't loose all that in a single night right?

I took a quick shower and applied some make up. Not too much. Nor is it too less. Actually too much! I want to look all pretty and confident today! I wore a tight grey pencil skirt that was hugging my ass. I know I have a fat ass but what to do? Men love it! And today I'm gonna use it to my advantage. I wear a light creme color sleeveless blouse that shows a bit of my cleavage.

So by the time I was completely ready it was exactly 5:54am. He needs his coffee at 6 right? Alright then. I prepare a cup of hot coffee for Daniel and knock at his room door. No reply! Maybe he's still at the bitch's house. I try to open it and thankfully the door was'nt locked.

I open and see that his room was completely messed up. Shoes and socks thrown on the floor and his shirt on the sofa. I keep his coffee on the table next to bed. I try to wake him up. At first, he pushes my hands away then I shook his shoulder hardly and he opens his eyes with annoyance. But then he looks at me and smiles and sits up straight.

"Cara...... I tried to open your do-" I cut him off purposely.

"Good morning Mr.Rochester here's your coffee" I give a fake smile pointing at the coffee and move out of the room! Damn it was soo suffocating standing in that room with him afterall the things we've done there.

Finally at almost 9 he comes out of his room while I was still waiting for him in the kitchen. I had made breakfast for him like a perfect maid! He said I'll be his secretary and here I'm being his maid! Well I don't care anymore about him. I already had breakfast. He eats every single bit without saying a word, I mean atleast not like last time. He took a bite of the toast and looked me, took a bite and looked at me..... This continued until he finished his breakfast.

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