Chapter Fifteen: Hook Ups and Hibernation

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 By the time we got home I was so tired that I could barely walk. Ever the gentlemen, Nox swept me off my feet and carried me into the house, up the stairs, and placed me gently onto the bed. "I have to brush my teeth...," I mumbled incoherently.

"You can do that tomorrow, I'll still love you with your halitosis," Nox joked. "You have to go to sleep, it's late and we have school tomorrow. I can function on much less sleep than you can."

"Hmph," was all I could muster the energy to say before I snuggled my beloved bed and fell asleep. The weekend had been tiresome, and the weeks leading up to it even more so. I was grateful that things were working out so well, and hoped there wouldn't be any more sleepless nights in my future. I do hope Nox will learn more about me being a magical girl though, I thought.


"Did you sleep well last night?" Nox asked while we stood outside of our homeroom, waiting for the door to open.

"I did, thanks for asking, and for the record I do not have halitosis." I comically made a squinty face at him to let him know I was joking.

"You remembered that comment, huh?" He asked as he rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Hmmm... well, I don't know about that your breath was something else this morning," he said playfully.

"Nox! I do not!" I gently punched him on the arm.

He gave me a sweet boyish grin. "You're right, you don't. But even if you did, I'd still kiss you like this," he said as he leaned in for what was in my opinion, the best kiss of my life.

"I was thinking... we don't have any pictures together..."

"What made you think of that?"

"Well, after you fell asleep last night I stayed up for a little while looking around your - I mean our - room, and you have so many pictures around. There's a picture of you and your mom, several pictures of you and Kai, one picture of you and Nikki, dozens of miscellaneous photo booth strips taped to your wall and none of us. Although I love that you have your jar of stars in a prominent place on your desk, next to your TARDIS clock," he said, smiling.

"I wouldn't let anything happen to that jar," I smiled, "it's what brought us together."

Nox's grey eyes became a little cloudy and his face a little more serious. "Yes, please take care of it, okay?"

Before I could ask him what that reaction was about, Mr. Harris opened the door to let us in.

"Let's take photos together, okay? I'll book a photographer," Nox said as he led me into the classroom by my hand.



Nox was really excited about his photo shoot idea. As we walked together between classes he mentioned that he wanted to go on Facebook to see if he could find an affordable local photographer to do a casual outdoors-y type of photo shoot with us.

"It sounds like we're going to have so many photos together that I'll be able to wallpaper our room with them," I laughed as we headed to our shared locker after lunch.

"That sounds like a great idea," he said, as he worked on the combination to open our locker.

Our eyes both fell onto a pink envelope that had Nox's name scrawled across it. It had obviously been pushed through the slats of our locker – the corners smashed in and the envelope slightly warped. Since Nox had started school notes for him appearing in our locker had become a regular occurrence. He'd read the first one but after that he simply threw them away.

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