Chapter Twenty-Three: Graduation

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Thankfully the days of school Nox had missed hadn't made a difference since we were already so close to graduation; the only reason to go to class at this point was to maintain your attendance record. Mr. Harris and all of the other teachers had welcomed Nox back and let him know that if he felt too tired, he didn't need to push himself to come to school since it was just a technicality at this point.

During lunch Nina and Nikki sat with us, wanting to fill Nox in on everything that he'd missed out on.

"Everyone has heard about what Ann did. Most people don't agree with it, but some of her friends have convinced a few people that you were really two-timing Nox with Kai," Nina rolled her eyes. "Honestly, if these people knew anything about you then they would know that's just not who you are."

"Thanks, Nina," I said appreciatively. "Surprisingly, I'm not too bothered about what people think about me. I'll be graduating in a few days and won't have to see these people anymore. In two, five, ten years they won't even be a blip on my radar."

"That sounds surprisingly cold," Nikki observed, concern creasing her brow.

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean for it to come off that way... maybe it's just the stress of the last few days showing itself. What I mean is, aside from Jez, I don't know anyone who has actively kept in touch with their classmates after high school - maybe a casual nod or polite greeting if you run into each other in public, but after this we won't be so involved in each other's lives."

"That gives me so much hope," Nina sighed, "because high school can really be hell."

I laughed, and Nikki did, too. "It sure can be, but if you've got good friends around you, it makes everything worthwhile," I said as Nikki winked at me.

"Speaking of graduation," Nikki said apprehensively, "Vilv, have you gone to see the principal yet?"

"Er... not yet, but I will," I replied. I had meant to go this morning before class, but I hadn't wanted for Nox to overhear what happened before I had a chance to tell him.

"Good," Nina said, "Chris shouldn't get away with what he did to you."

Nox shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "So... what happened between her and Chris?"

Nina's hands flew to her mouth. "Oh no - I thought you already knew."

"I didn't tell him yet, because I didn't want him to stress out about it," I said apologetically.

"I wasn't there," Nina said to Nox, "but when something like that happens, you can bet word gets around fast. I'm shocked no one said anything to you about it."

"Well, we haven't been by our locker yet, which I'm sure is stuffed to the brim with hate mail."

"What?" Nikki asked, her brows creased with concern.

"Yeah, we've been getting hate mail from Ann's friends since Nox and I started dating. It's always been bad unsubstantiated stuff about me." I shrugged.

"You should have gone to the principal," Nikki admonished me.

"It's my fault," Nox interjected, "I threw the notes away after I received them because I didn't care what other people had to say. I didn't think about how it would affect Hikari."

Nikki looked disapproving but said nothing.

"Should we leave you guys alone, so you can tell Nox what happened?" Nina asked as she shifted uncomfortable in her seat.

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