Chapter 17

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Yes I know I skipped a few chapters... Oh well.

Oceans P.O.V
I heard Indy singing in the shower. She's singing 'singing in the shower...' Typical.

"Singing in the shower... Ladadi la la la..." She sang. She took for ever, I held out my palm and stopped the water from coming out of the shower. "HEY! WHAT GIVES!!! OCEAN!" Screamed Indy. I shrugged. I did this a couple of months ago, I didn't mind she was shouting at me.

I didn't let go, knowing the water would pour on her back and she'd take forever. She got out of the shower. I dropped my palm and the shower start slashing out. I went I there and turned off the tap. "Yea, hey. Can you maybe not, do that next time?" Said Indy. "Ha. Maybe" I said smirking.

It was Sunday, which meant it was Monday, tomorrow. Ahh! I hate school!

I walked in the park with Indy. "I have an idea." I whispered, I looked around to check no one was watching, no one was around. I smiled and held my palm up to the water fountain, and made the water go, I got a small Bon of water. And dragged it over to me, and I popped the bubble in my mouth. "Ahh. Fresh water." I said.

"Try me!" Said Indy. I got her a blob and popped it in her mouth, I don't have to get a cup out again! "At least it's fresh water," said Indy. Turning off the tap and we walked home.

SHORT! I KNOW! SORRY! I just realllyyyyyyyyyyy want to get to chapter 22 xoxo thanks for 'understanding'

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