Chapter 7

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Naina grabbed the ball and unwrapped the paper. She peered at it and said, "There is nothing written on this. Does he know I am here?"

Kajal rolled her eyes and grabbed the ball from her hand and turned it around to see a sticky note as usual. It read, "I understand you don't have the sense of music but I hope you have the good sense to stay indoors today."

Naina tucked her chin excitedly on Kajal's shoulders to read the note. She said loudly into Kajal's ears, "Wait how does he know you're sick?"

Kajal winced and pushed Naina away. She said, "I sneezed and he heard. And we don't know if it's a he. Stop assuming."

Naina marched up to Kajal's desk, picked up her pack of sticky notes and dragged the bean bag out on the balcony. She wrote out a note, stuck it to the ball and lobbed it into the balcony. Kajal sat on the bean bag and asked, "What did you write?"

Naina said, "WHO ARE YOU...all capitals."

The ball returned to their balcony. Naina read the note out loud, "Why the sudden curiosity?"

Naina shook her head in exasperation and muttered, "This dude is your twin. Doesn't give anything away. Anyway..."

With that she rolled up her sleeves, sat down and wrote another note. Kajal peered at the note to read, "I am the sister. I must know."

The following note read, "I am a resident of planet Pluto. My interests include neighbour-disturbing music interspersed with note writing. And your sibling is?"

Naina burst out laughing while reading the note out loud. She said to Kajal, "What is wrong with you people? Why can't you give a straight answer? Anyway, what should I write back?"

Kajal opened her mouth to reply but Naina beat her to it. She said, "Ha got it! I will write "My sibling is an earthling. Do Pluto people show their faces to earthlings?"

She caught the next note that came almost instantly and read out, "How do you even know if I have a face?"

Naina grumbled as Kajal laughed. She was right. This person was very similar to her. She did not like to give away information that easily either. She walked up to the railing and stood to see her sky. Naina marched up to her and threw the ball up again. Kajal turned around and faced her sister. She asked, "What did you send?" Naina said with a smirk, "You'll see." Kajal looked heavenward to ask for patience. Instead, she caught a glimpse of a hand throwing the ball back into her balcony. It had long slender fingers. That is all she could register before it retreated into the confines of the balcony. She caught the ball in her hands for the first time. She looked down to read the note. It was a cell phone number.

Naina looked at it, smiled and said, "The ball is now in your court sista."

Author's Note: Thank you for reading! I am glad you're enjoying reading the story as much as I am writing it. Spoiler alert: Chapter 7 is important in more ways than one. :D -S

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