Chapter 11

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She pushed open the terrace door and walked in. She put the door stopper in order to make sure they don't get stuck here for the rest of the night. She had been in such a situation a few times before and had to learn this lesson the hard way. He followed her until she walked up to the ledge. She then sat down cross-legged and started digging for something in her bag. He looked down at her strangely and asked, "Weren't we here for a walk?"

She shook her head and said, "Not unless you want the ice cream to melt."

She found the still cold container and pulled it out. She then dug out 2 spoons from a plastic bag in the front of the backpack and looked up to hand him one. He was still looking at her but he had a funny look on his face. He looked thoroughly amused. He reached out to take the spoon and said, "You're the first girl I have met with ice cream in her bag." He sat next to her and leaned on the ledge. She scooped a spoonful and ate the first bite and handed the container to him. As he took it, she said, "You've clearly been hanging out with the wrong girls."

He tried the ice cream and nodded appreciatively. He took another scoop and handed it over while muttering, "Yes evidently so. You haven't answered the question though."

She asked, "You ask a lot of questions. Refresh my memory again."

He pulled the container from her hands and said, "What is your name?"

She said, "And I said I asked you first." She eyed the stack of envelopes he was carrying now lying on the ground. While he was busy with the snack, she grabbed the envelope on top and read his name. She said, "No need...uh Vikramaditya. Wow! That's your name?"

He saw the envelope in her hands and whisked it from her hands. He looked at her sharply and said, "Don't you know better than to not read other people's mail?" The spark of humour in his eyes was gone. She felt a spark of disappointment course through her. She wanted to go back to their witty banter. Things were easy in that zone. She didn't back off though. She said firmly but kindly, "I apologize. I only saw your name. Nothing else." He regarded her quietly for a few seconds. She felt her face grow hot. It was certainly a new feeling. She looked down and took another bite of the ice cream. She heard a smile in his voice when he said, "You're blushing."

She closed her eyes and willed her face to return to normal. It probably became worse. She decided to change tack. She looked straight ahead of her instead of at him and mumbled, "Kajal."

He said, "Pardon me?"

She turned and looked at him to repeat in a clearer voice, "Kajal. That's my name. Since you asked." With that, she held the container as a peace offering.

He accepted the box and said, "Huh. That's interesting."

She asked, "Why? It's a lot more common than your name!"

He stretched out his legs to sit more comfortably and replied exasperatedly, "I meant that it suits your eyes."

Her rational side saw the comment as a mere observation. Her newfound blushing self saw it as a compliment. She asked, "Do you have a pet name?"

He looked at her directly and said with a smirk, "I don't think people think of me that fondly to use a "pet" name."

She opened her mouth to say something and for the first time found herself at a loss of words. What was happening to her? First the blush, now the silence. She shook her head like a dog trying to get rid of water from her ears and said, "I don't find that hard to believe if you've been playing that thing you call music for everyone."

He shook his head in amusement and said, "Why do you ask?"

She looked at him as though the answer was obvious. She said, "Because Vikramaditya is rather...difficult to say on a regular basis."

He broke into a smile. Something told her as she saw him that he didn't smile that often, that he reserved those butterfly-in-stomach-inducing smiles (she begrudgingly admitted) for special occasions only. He asked, "And you wish to converse with me on a regular basis?"

She looked heavenward for patience and said, "It is difficult to get a straight answer out of you, isn't it?"

He shot back, "You are no different...Kajal."

She didn't know how to respond to that. She also liked how he addressed her name. They were rather similar. So she just pulled the ice cream container from his hands and treated herself to the last few scoops that were left. She stared at the black sky ahead of her. She wasn't alone while doing so today and for the first time, she didn't mind.

Author's Note: I apologize for having taken so long to update Chapter 11. I hope I have done justice to the wait by giving a decent enough chapter. Hope to write chapter 12 sooner than this one. Happy Diwali! - S

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