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Soo..Im thinking of adding these new characters!

Shokuniku saikin-食肉細菌-Flesh Eater


Species-Nikusui-A monster who appears as a young woman and sucks all of the flesh off of its victim's body

Age-400yrs old (appears 10)


Weapon-Ai no tsubasa-愛の翼-Blade of Love and Kin'niku no doku-筋肉の毒-Muscle Poison


Mark-Dragon (neck)

(Niku appears as a young girl with long dark hair, evil red eyes, and pale skin. She has red claw marks painted across her cheeks. She wears a red and black kimono with a dragon pattern.)

(Niku was born to a poor family in the middle of the war. On her tenth birthday she was forced to watch her whole family get decapitated. Later, she was killed and skinned, but her soul wouldn't rest. She came back and attacked and devoured the flesh of her attackers. She now travels through the forests and mountains.)



Species-Kuchisake-onna-Slit-mouthed woman

Age-1,630yrs old (appears 14)


Weapon-鋏 Burēdo-鋏ブレード -Scissor Blade

Family-Imōto no kīpā (brother)

Mark-White Lotus (hand)

(Sujin has wild spiky orange hair, light blue eyes, tan skin, and a slit mouth. She has a spell scrolled on her arms that are covered by her kimono. She wore a short green kimono with a yellow ribbon.)

(Sujin was raised in an abusive family. One night accused of sinning by her drunken mother. She was held down while her mother sliced her from ear-to-ear and left to die. She died that night, but was brought back by her brother who fused his blood with hers. Together they killed their mother and vanished into the forest..)

Imōto no kīpā-妹のキーパー -Sister's Keeper


Species-Human/Suritto-guchi no dansei-Slit-mouthed male

Age-1,630yrs old (appears 14)


Weapon-Jigoku no sutaffu-地獄のスタッフ-Staff of Hell

Family-Satsujin-sha (sister)

Mark-White Lotus (hand)

(Imoto has wild spiky orange hair, light blue eyes, and tan skin. He has a spell scrolled across his chest. He wears a green kosode and black hakama bloused at the ankles.)

(Imoto was raised in an abusive family. One night his mother beat him and sliced his sister's mouth from ear-to-ear. He later revived her and fused their blood. This caused him to suddenly change between his nice human form and his evil slit-mouth form at random times. He and his sister murder their mother and disappeared into the forest.)

Ninchi-shō kirā-認知症キラー -Demented Killer



Age-3.000yrs old (appears 15)


Weapon-Hametsu no ha-破滅の刃-Blade of Doom/Yami no ha-闇の刃-Blade of Darkness/Tamashī kakusei sōchi-魂覚醒装置-Soul Awakener


Mark-Spider (back)

(Ninchi has long blue hair, clear eyes, and ghostly skin. He has a four-pointed star on his forehead.He wears a white kosode and light blue hakama.)

(Nichi was an orphaned boy who spent his time wondering through villages and stealing. One day, he was attacked by a group of bandits and killed. An old lady found him. She decided to give him a second chance and brought him back. He quickly killed her and slayed the whole village. He left and traveled by himself.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2011 ⏰

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