fourteen ; the horrible headmaster

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"Yeh know, yeh really outta come down 'ere more often."

Diana's head snapped up. She had forgotten where she was; she was sitting in an uncomfortable wooden chair in Hagrid's warm cabin, holding a steaming cup of tea in her hand. She was lost in thought, like she usually was, and it wasn't until Hagrid had spoken that she broke out of her reverie.

"I haven' really had a chance to talk to yeh since I got back," he said, and she gave him a small smile.

"I know. I've been meaning to come down, I just never got around to it." She shrugged. "How's Umbridge been treating you?"

"She's bloody awful," he sipped his tea, "keeps makin' up lies abou' me, gettin' those idiot Slytherins to back 'er up." He chuckled. "Malfoy's gettin' on my last nerve."

She laughed quietly. "Believe me, I know. He's driving Harry insane. Wouldn't be surprised if Harry ends up jinxing him into oblivion." Malfoy really was awful. He was taking points from Harry and other Gryffindors for no reason, exhausting his new powers under Umbridge. She knew, though, Umbridge wouldn't last long.

"'Ave you heard from the Order?" Hagrid asked, idly petting Fang. She shook her head.

"Not much. It's so hard to contact anyone now with Umbridge's new restrictions. Somehow, she managed to block the fireplace in my room from communication. I didn't even know she knew my room had a fireplace," she replied sadly. She was lonely. "What about you?"

He shook his head too. "Been able to contact Olympe, but all my bloody owls are getting in'ercepted. Haven't talked to Remus or Sirius, if that's what yeh mean."

It was dark now. She had been there for at least a few hours, talking with Hagrid about Order business and Harry and Umbridge. Hagrid was incredibly easy to talk to, for he shared most of her opinions and concerns. Hagrid had even asked her to take care of his giant half-brother if he gets fired, and she agreed.

"I'm getting worried," she said after a long pause. She traced her index finger around the rim of her cup. Her tea was growing cold. "I'm not really sure about what specifically. I'm just worried about everything. About what's going to happen."

He nodded sadly in agreement. "I'm too. Dark times are comin'. Can't deny it anymore."

"I know. The world is just so much darker than it had been. It's like Voldemort has power over the sun, and he's dimmed it."

"Bin feelin' the same way. You're a smart girl, Diana. I know you'll do it right."

"Do what right?"

He paused, then shrugged. "I dunno. Everything." He then raised his cup of tea. "To dark times," he said, and they tapped their mugs together, creating a dull clink.

A commotion alerted the both of them, coming from somewhere up the path. Apparently, Fang heard the same thing because he started barking wildly. The large oak doors of Hogwarts Castle had clicked open and then shut, and a large pounding of footsteps came down the path. They could hear them come all the way down towards the hut. They sat in an apprehensive silence, and Diana slowly inched to the window through which she peered out.

She saw Umbridge at the front of a group with about half a dozen other people. She couldn't see the others too clearly, though, as they marched up the stoop and her stubby hand rapped on the door thrice.

Hagrid gave Diana a look, which she interpreted clearly to mean behave and he sidled over to the door and opened it.

"Hello, Hagrid. May we come in?" she asked, though Diana had the impression that she was coming in anyway. She had a nasty smile on her face, and she walked in without a reply. The others walked in behind her, too. Diana recognized one as Dawlish, who was in Dumbledore's office the night he disappeared.

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