Chapter 2

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This is going to be short. I will update the next chapter soon.

Liam P.O.V

I woke up on my bunk in the tour bus. I felt really achy all over. My head had a dull ache and my stomach still hurt. I clutched my stomach and rolled over, falling onto the floor. I groaned, to weak to get up.

"Liam!!" Louis yelled, hurting my head. He rolled me onto my back. Paul rushed over also.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Paul asked.

"No," I mumbled.

"Do you want to go lay on the couch?" Paul asked.

"Yeah," I mumbled. Paul and Louis carefully lifted me off the ground and practically carried me over to the couch. Louis sat next to me to make sure I didn't fall over. Paul grabbed a thermometer and stuck it in my mouth. Once it beeped, he took it out and sighed at the number.

"103.7, it's gone up. What's wrong?" Paul asked.

"Head and stomach hurt, body aches, feel sick and dizzy," I struggled to say.

"I'll go get you medicine. Louis, stay with him," Paul said before he left. Pain ripped through my stomach. I doubled over and groaned in pain. Louis put his hand under my shirt and rubbed my back. The pain eased up a bit. I layed my head on Louis's shoulder. I was almost asleep until Paul came back in the room. He got medicine, a cool rag, a water bottle and a heating pad.

Paul gave me medicine with the water. He took off my shirt and layed me down on the couch. Louis put the heating pad on my stomach and Paul put the cool cloth on my forehead. I clutched my head as pain went through it. The pain lessened a few minutes later. The medicine soon kicked in and I fell asleep.

Sorry it's short. Please comment. I would like to know your opinions please! Hope you guys had a good day! I'll post soon!


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