To feel alone

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I know what feel like to feel like u have nobody there for u. It really does hurt at first and most times u never truly get over it. My life has not been the best and i'm not going to lie and say that it has. I feel like an outcast most of the time and it truly does hurt me down to my soul. It feels like i am on a raft being pulled out in the sea. Now i'm just drifting in and out of the tide with no idea where i am going to end up. Does any body else feel this wsy? I would love to know if anybodu else feels what i feel inside. I would just love to meet one person who gets me and maybe that way i can have another because all i have in maybe two or three at the most.

I guess what i'm really trying to say is that i just need somebody to stop me from feeling the way i do. I don't judge people and i would like if other people didn't do that to me. For those people out there who happen to feel the way i do don't be agraid to tell how u truly feel nobpdy has the right to judge. Every body has their problems and no body is perfect and if they say are they are soooooo lying!!!!!! So what i am saying in the end is there a lot of people who feel alone and they don't need to be judge for it, you should try to be there for them. DONT FORGET THAT, EVER!!!!!!!!!!!

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