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IN THAT MOMENT, what Elysie was most upset about was the fact that even with her slowly recovering eyesight she still could not make out the numbers on the clock in her room, the small ticking sound as each second passed furthering her aggravation.

That was the only noise in the room, the slight ticking, and while Elysie had become accustomed to it, forming a habit of tapping her fingers against the light silk of her red dress, it was wearing her patience thin. She yearned for the moment the quiet knocks would sound on her door and Syd would barge in, spurting some comment or joke to lighten Elysie's mood. He knew she was nervous before dinner each night, the girl not fully comfortable around the King yet.

It puzzled Syd and he was often left wondering if she was scared of him, the bond, or the fact that she couldn't stare back at the man who often stared at her.

Tonight, Elysie was that much more excited for dining because she knew Killian would be joining them, the man Nicon's stories often included. She had only met two people at the castle, and while her friendship with Syd and bond with Nicon was something she was learning to cherish, she missed introducing herself to new people. It was harmful for her curiosity. Now that she was not able to sketch, or see, the ways to amuse herself were dwindling down with each ticking second of the clock.

"I was starting to think you had forgotten about me."

She had heard the knocks a few seconds before she spoke. Although her voice was quiet, she was sure he had heard her.

"I could never," a voice spoke. "After all, you are all the talk in Nicon's thoughts."

Elysie stood up from her seated position immediately, nervously running her hands down her sides in an effort to brush out the wrinkles, even if she didn't know if there were any. "I assume you already know my name then," she said humorously, taking a small step forward.

She imagined he smiled in response. "Elysie. I am Killian. Pleasure to meet the future Queen."

Elysie held out her fragile hand for the man to shake, and was surprised by the heat his skin radiated. Although a frown was present on her face from the title Killian addressed her by, her lips tugged up in a polite grin.

"Syd did inform me that you may not be fond of the title. My apologies."

"I remember you from the forest," she spoke after a few moments of deciding on a response. "You helped me."

"After Syd scared you out of a tree, yes."


He hesitated. "Yes, it was Nicon's orders for him to bring you to the castle, but he seemed to have a rather difficult time obtaining you." Killian hoped he wasn't frightening the girl a minute into their first formal meeting, but he knew that the only way she would receive direct answers in the castle was from himself. Nicon was much too nervous that his mate would want nothing to do with him, after now deciding he did in fact want something to do with her, and poor Syd was too much of an innocent pup to know the important details.

It pleased him when she nodded, the frown disappearing from her face as it lit up with a light and airy smile. "If I wanted to tell you something that I didn't want Syd or the King to know, could I?" She didn't know why she changed the subject, but he seemed trustworthy.  Partially, Elysie just had to tell someone, the secret was practically bursting from her chest, and she didn't know how Nicon would react.

"Theoretically, yes. What is it you feel should be kept from them?"

"This dress is red, and I know there's a large scar on your face, although I can't quite tell where it ends." Her voice had been low, a whisper, but Killian heard it as if she were shouting.

"Your sight has returned? Are you sure Syd didn't tell you the color of your dress and you simply remember my face?"

She shook her head, the grin not falling.

Killian was happy for his friend's mate, who would be able to see, if he could even consider Nicon his friend. At first when her sight disappeared, Killian had been there when Nicon was enraged, lashing out on anything in sight.

Killian had also been there to help fix the furniture in the conference room.

"I don't know why you would keep something of this magnitude from Nicon," Killian retorted. His large hand reached up to rub the back of his neck in thought. "He would be ecstatic."

"Why does he let you call him Nicon?" Elysie asked instead, changing the subject once again.

"I would say we are friends, but that man has a hard time acknowledging when friendship exists. I'd also rather keep my head."

Elysie laughed, and took Killian's arm as he led her out of the room. And in that moment, Elysie decided she liked him.

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