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THEY HAD ENTERED the room and immediately Elysie's eyes were drawn to where she expected the King was, who sat at the head of the table, his shoulders back, his head tilted up, his eyes glistening powerfully in the dim lighting.  Her heart started beating nervously, as it did every night, and Killian squeezed her hand in reassurance.

Nicon's eyes trailed down to where their palms were interlocked, his companion and his mate, and oddly enough, the feeling of his disapproving eyes sent a shiver down Elysie's spine, while Killian just tightened his grip.

Nicon, he said through the mind of his King, you're frightening her.

I'm not frightening her, Killian, he retorted humorously.  Quit trying to make my mate change the side on which her loyalty resides.

Killian grinned and he sent a small smirk in Nicon's direction as the King stood to pull out a chair for Elysie, who thanked him quietly and sat. 

She could tell the room was darker, it always was, for natural light did not reach the windows during the evening.  The slender candles on the table were visible to her, and a secret smile graced her lips as she discovered this.

Nicon glanced curiously at her from across the table.  You seem quite happy tonight, Elysie.

Am I not always?  she teased in response, enjoying their light banter.

Would it be rude of me to say you often have a scowl on?


"I have to say," Killian said, "I am very impressed with the fact that you have mastered the mind link in such a short amount of time with no help."

"Yes, the little human is quite resourceful," Nicon said.

Elysie pursed her lips at the objectification.  She was a human, but the way Nicon said it made it seem derogatory.  "Syd might have helped a bit."  At this, she heard Nicon's slight growl from across the table, even if it was very faint.  She had known he didn't fancy the time she and Syd spent together, but she felt bad for using it against him. 

Killian grinned and Elysie could hear him say a bright thank you to the person who put their plates in front of them.  As Elysie heard her plate softly clink against the wooden table, she thanked them as well. 

"You're welcome," Nicon told her, his hand brushing against her shoulder softly as he removed it from the plate.

Elysie was surprised at the fact that he was now delivering the food to the table, he usually made others do it.  The girl had always felt sympathetic toward the men Nicon commanded, and would make their jobs easier and help them with the food, but her blindness was crippling her.

She vowed to find another way, without upsetting the King.

"How was your morning?" the King asked conversationally.

Elysie did not know if he was talking to her or Killian, so she waited a moment.  When she didn't hear a response from Killian, she said, "It went well, thank you.  I hardly bump into the trunk anymore."  Her humorous tone caused laughter to erupt from the two men, and a swell of pride grew in her chest at the noise.  She didn't know if this was the first time hearing Nicon's laugh or not, but Elysie knew the sound was one she wanted to hear often.  "How was yours?" she asked politely.

He contemplated telling Elysie about the council meeting, but knew that it would raise too many questions he did not think he was ready to deliver answers for.  Although he had learned to accept the fact that his mate was a human, she was something he could not replace.  She was special, she was his.

"Nothing out of the ordinary, Elysie.  There was a bit of an argument this morning with one of my men, but that is all."  He was staring at Killian the entire time, daring him to contradict his statement.

Elysie could tell he wasn't looking at her, for when he did her cheeks unintentionally glowed a soft pink color.  She was content with his answer, however, and was glad the conversation was not too forced.

"Killian, have you found your mate yet?" Elysie asked, once again her curiosity bubbling as she attempted to strike up a conversation.

A sad ghost of a smile graced his lips.  "I have."

An excited smile lit up Elysie's face at the thought.  "I will have to meet her one day!"

The warrior exchanged solemn looks with Nicon.  "Unfortunately, that won't be possible."

Elysie's smile quickly vanished, "Is it because of Nicon's rule that I am not-"

"No, she passed away a few years ago."  His tone was clear of anger, but somehow Elysie was filled with guilt.

She put down the fork that she was holding gently in her hand.  "I am so sorry for your loss."

That, dear mate, is the first most painful thing you could ever experience, Nicon said in her mind.

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