Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

                Talon found himself at Sophia’s house once more, a place he didn’t think he’d ever return to. If anyone was holding it against him that he had punched Jason, they weren’t saying anything about it. They were probably more concerned about Lukas and whether or not he would be all right. Even Talon had to worry about him. He and his cousin didn’t get along, but he certainly didn’t want him dead.

                Once Lukas was situated, Talon decided it was time for him to make himself scarce. He didn’t really want to deal with anything Sophia or Jason might have to say to him. While the others were still talking to Lukas, Talon silently made his way towards the front door, eager to get back to Melanie. But he apparently wasn’t silent enough.

                “Where are you going?” he heard Jason ask from behind him just before he reached the door.

                Slowly, Talon turned around to face him, but found it difficult to meet his eye. “Going back,” he mumbled.

                “Going back?” Jason asked, confused. “Going back where?”

                “Somewhere else.” Talon didn’t find it necessary to give him all the details, especially if he wasn’t part of the pack anymore. He didn’t have to listen to the beta of other packs.

                “Well, don’t leave before talking to Sophia, okay? She’s worried about you.”

                “She just wants to yell at me, I’m sure.”

                “Talon, I didn’t tell her what happened between us the other night. If that’s what’s got you all on edge, don’t worry about it. Don’t pull that shit on me again, but we’re still friends. I can give you a free punch.”

                “Um, thanks?”

                “So, since you are still part of the pack, you want to tell me where you’re going?”

                “Not really,” Talon said. He knew that no one in the pack would try to stop him from leaving to be with his mate, but he didn’t want to tell everyone about Melanie just yet. Not until he knew she would accept him. No sense having everyone congratulate him and then have to deal with their pity if she decided she didn’t want to be with him. Of course, Talon would do everything he could to make sure that didn’t happen.

                “You’re too stubborn,” Jason said with a sigh and a shake of his head. “Just don’t go running off without talking to your sister.”

                “Yeah, Talon,” Sophia said, approaching in time to hear the last part of what Jason said. “Stop running away, would you?”

                “I got places to be.”

                “Mind if we talk first?” Sophia asked.

                “Yeah, I guess,” Talon said with a sigh. He really wanted to get back to Melanie, but he knew that despite Sophia phrasing it as a request, it really wasn’t. She’d hold him down if she had to, and Talon decided it wasn’t worth the effort. After the day he had, he was completely exhausted.

                Sophia walked into another room, and Talon followed his twin and they sat down at a table. They sat in silence for a few moments, and Talon was thinking about getting up and leaving if Sophia wasn’t going to say anything, but before he could move to do so, his sister kicked him under the table.

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