Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

Talon woke up in the morning feeling as though everything in the world was perfect. He'd had his doubts that Melanie would ever accept him, but when he felt it yesterday, it had been amazing. He'd woken up from his unplanned nap knowing she loved him and would never leave him, and it was the best feeling in the world. Their activities that night had just made it better.

"I love you," Melanie said, although she knew it didn't need to be said. Just as she could feel his love through their bond, she knew he could feel hers. Still, she wanted to say it out loud. She kissed him, only intending on a short, quick kiss, but he drew it out, not wanting to let go.

"I wouldn't argue about this," Melanie said after reluctantly breaking away, "but I have to pee."

"Bathroom's just across the hall," he said as he let her go. She picked up her discarded clothes and threw them on, and Talon quickly followed her lead. He picked up the bag he'd packed from their apartment and then left the room with Melanie and opened the door to the bathroom for her.

"You go first," he said. "Then we could probably use showers. Got some extra clothes here." He held up the bag which had a set of clean clothes in it.

Seeing that he intended to wait in the hall, Melanie grabbed his arm and pulled him into the bathroom. "You're my mate," she said as she locked the door. "Don't be so shy."

"Oh, I'm the shy one now," Talon said with a grin, pleased with how comfortable she was with him. Even a month ago, he wouldn't have expected them to progress so far. While she was using the bathroom, he took two towels out from under the sink and turned the shower on. By the time he was done, Melanie had finished.

Once he too had gone to the bathroom, he joined her in the shower. Having her naked again in front of him was too much and he immediately grabbed her, pulling her against his body. She had already started to shampoo her black hair, but Talon still found her to be incredibly sexy. He held her for a second, letting the water fall on them before he began to was her hair, finishing what she had started. He then proceeded to wash the rest of her body, cleaning himself at the same time.

When they were both clean, they remained in the shower for a while longer, kissing and petting each other. Melanie took his hardening shaft in her hands and pressed him against herself, but Talon pulled away. She thought they had put an end to that behavior and she frowned.

"What's wrong now?"

"Melanie, we really can't do this," he said, turning off the water. "Last night was a spur of the moment thing, but next time, we have to use protection."

"Protection? What for?"

"Uh…" Talon stepped out of the shower and tossed her a towel, feeling awkward about explaining it to her. He had to assume she'd never had sex ed. "It'll keep you from getting pregnant."

"I know what it's for," she said, rolling her eyes. "But why do we have to use it?"

"I don't want to run the risk of getting you pregnant. I… I guess it's already possible." He looked towards her abdomen, wondering if they already had a baby growing inside. "If you are, we can deal with it. If not, we should play it safe from now on."

"Yeah, okay," she said softly, looking down. Deciding that wasn't enough, she turned her back to him and hoped that she wouldn't start crying.

"Melanie," he said, stepping up behind her and stroking her still wet hair. "I said something stupid again, didn't I? I didn't mean to hurt you."

"I know you didn't," Melanie said. "You're too nice to do that. It still hurts though. That I'll never be wolf enough."

"What are you talking about? I don't care about how much of a wolf you are. I'd love you no matter what."

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