Chapter 2

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Chapter 2- Invisible Angel

  A loud beeping noise screamed in Sarah's ear. Still tired, she tried to ignore the sound. But after 5 or 10 minutes, it was still going, so Sarah turned and slapped the snooze button on her alarm clock. She sat up and yawned. Rubbing her eyes, she looked around for her guardian angel. He wasn't anywhere. Maybe I  imagined it she thought? Pushing those thoughts aside, she glanced at the time. 7:42. Realizing today was monday, she got up, and prepared to go to school.

  The thoughts of her mother ran through her head. She knew this was going to be a problem.

   She brushed her teeth, put on a shirt, vest, and jeans. Then she put her weekend homework on her desk in her bag, picked up her cell phone, and walked downstairs. She glanced into her fathers room. Gone. He must be working a 24-hour shift she told herself. 

  Preparing her bag of school supplies, she book her bag on the table and poured a bowl of Coco Puffs.

  As she munched on the chocolate treat, she thought of her school schedule today. Mrs. Shire for math first, then Mr. Shanken for history, Mr. Erikson for biology...and then lunch...okay, then I think Ms. York for health and to finish Mr. Karrole to end the day with english. Geez..I hope I don't have a run in Mr. Reinhart she thought with a shudder. She finished her Coco puffs and put her bowl in the dishwasher. Quickly wiping her mouth with a napkin, she grabbed her bag and walked down the street.

   The school was only 15 blocks away and it was her daily way of staying physically fit. Sarah got used to the walk and actually enjoyed it. Sometimes she would see some energetic young men do parkour around the neighborhood. Although it looked cool when they hopped between houses, there was no way she would do anything of that sort.

  After a short 5 block walk, she heard walking suddenly behind her. She turned around as normal as possible without appearing scared. She jumped when she saw who it was.

  "Hey, Sarah," said Chase with his usual grin.

  "Oh my God, you scared me!" Sarah said loudly. She continued walking, with Chase walking silently next to her. "Where are you going?" he asked.

  Sarah rolled her eyes. "School obviously. I assume you'll be joining me?" Chase nodded. "And you will be invisible?" He nodded again. "Great." She said a little sarcastically.

  Chase looked at her closely. "I think" he began, "I hear a little tone!"

  "Well your going to be a distraction from my schoolwork, I'm sure!"

"Don't worry! I won't bother you, but I will just bother somebody else," said Chase smiling.

   Sarah sighed. "Well this is going to be just wonderful!"

  "I thought you wanted a guardian angel." Chase said, a little hurt. "I do, and I'm glad your here, but you are a little too...YOU for me to do my schoolwork properly. But we can still have fun!" Sarah explained.

  "Alright let's have some fun." Chase said cheerily.

   "Don't get me into trouble," Sarah warned him with a very serious face.

   "I won't" Chase assured her as he followed Sarah to her school.

   The school was 2 stories high, made of blue colored stone walls. Kids and teens were entering the middle school already, mumbling amongst themselves. The weekend was over and nobody liked it. Sarah felt the same.

  "Cheer up!" said Chase, putting his hands on his hips. "It'll be more fun now that I'm here!" Sarah rolled her eyes.

  They walked inside and headed to Sarah's locker. Kids seemed to walk through Chase, and when they did Chase giggled a little. When Sarah asked the boy how he did this, Chase explained it tickled a little. Reaching her locker, Sarah dumped some of her school supplies in and took out her math, history, and biology book. Taking 3 notebooks, a calculator, and a few pens and pencils, she closed her locker and walked to the math room.  

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