16 | The Offer

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a casual affair

that could go anywhere,

and only for tonight."

I LET MY feet take me to where the hauntingly beautiful music was coming from. With my head tilted to one side and eyes half-closed, I listened to the soft, desolate ballad. I could tell I was near the source of the music when it became louder as I turned the corner. Once again, I had taken one too many wrong turns in one of the huge buildings, and ended up here. I didn't mind getting lost, most of the time. I always managed to discover new, hidden rooms in the school.

I came to a stop outside one of the many music rooms, and peered through a small gap of the open door. The person behind the piano, the one responsible for giving me wondrous goose bumps, was someone completely unexpected. I wondered, daringly, why we always seemed to run into each other.

I watched as Robin's slender fingers moved swiftly across the piano keys, producing such a sad, haunting tune. I was, in simpler terms, completely entranced by him and his music. His eyes were closed, his long lashes caressing his high cheekbones as his body unconsciously swayed from side to side as he played, the broken melody echoing off the walls of the empty music room. His finger paused at the last key and his eyebrows scrunched together slightly as if he had sensed a disturbance in the stagnant atmosphere. His eyes shot open.

I gasped aloud when his deep, ocean blue eyes locked onto mine. He slammed his hand across the piano keys, making me jump at the loud, harsh sound that the piano made. The peacefulness and calm I had felt just a few minutes before vanished.

"What are you doing here?" Robin asked, clearly annoyed that he was interrupted. As usual, his signature frown graced his sharp face, turning his handsome features into a sinister scowl.

"I was walking along the hallway and I just happened to pass b-by," I explained, cursing at myself for sounding so unsure, for letting him know how nervous I was. I expected him to at least reply, to say something rude to me as he usually did. But he only stared at me with a strange look on his face. It seemed to me like he was in deep thought, and I could almost hear the whirring of engines in his head as he made sense of his thoughts. Suddenly, his eyes lit up like he had discovered a great treasure.

"Come in and close the door," he commanded, his harsh voice a stark contrast of the way he gently closed the lid of the grand piano.

I raised an eyebrow at his demand, but did so anyways. I knew we weren't exactly the best of friends, but deep down, I knew he wouldn't hurt me. Physically, at least. Call me an idiot. Besides, I was curious. I wanted to know what he had to say.

"What?" I asked when the door closed behind me, crossing my arms.

"Be my date to a ball," Robin blurted out in a rather ungentlemanly manner. I blinked, and then burst into a fit of laughter.

"What's so funny?" Robin demanded, his eyebrows furrowed together as he crossed his arms together angrily. The muscle in his jaw ticked as he stared at me expectantly, waiting for an explanation. Slowly, I began to realise he was being completely serious.

"Wait. You're actually being serious?" I asked, my jaw dropping so low it almost hit the expensive marble floor.

"I don't see what is so unbelievable about this."

"You said you didn't have time for dates," I said slowly, reminding him of what he had told me a few weeks back, staring at him in disbelief. "And if you forgot, we kind of hate each other."

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