Movie Night

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Hey guys!! I know I said I'd upload in a week, but well, life happened. Anyways, I hope you guys are enjoying the summer (for those of you who have it) and the rest, I hope you're enjoying life! 

Picture to the side is of the tattoo Damen has and soon Arella will have! (PS I drew it, so please excuse all the background drawings that I tried to erase but was very unsuccessful at)

Anyways, let me know what you think of the chapter and don't forget to vote if you like it! :D

What do you think of my new cover? Made it myself. :)

Also, I'm dedicating this chapter to AvengedAngel14 for always writing such encouraging comments that make me want to write more! Thank you! (PS I have heard "My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark" and I love it!)

Oh and check out my new romance Make Me Yours!


Chapter Nine

Movie Night

“Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.” – Sholom Aleichem


"You are to never, under any circumstance, use your power in front of any human unless they already know who we are. And never make any references to Atlantis even by mistake," Professor Creke warned, slamming his hands down on the table Damen, Van, Ophelia, and I were sitting around. We'd all come to learn that Professor Creke didn't talk much, but instead made the diagrams, pictures, and presentations, so when he did, it was usually very important.

"Never trust anyone. They're all a little bit afraid of us because we're different and they have no clue what we're capable of. That puts us automatically in the dangerous category," Professor Sands preached from behind the white board with his arms crossed and frowning.

"They are very easily swayed when their security is concerned, so I repeat. Do. Not. Trust. A. Human." Professor Woods emphasized each word slowly.

We all nodded in unison.

"To less serious matters, humans, especially teenagers, have a strange obsession with social networking sites," Professor Sands stepped forward with several papers in his hand that he handed to us. "Here is a list of them and what they do, so you don't look suspicious when the topic is brought up." 

"Their food is very bland compared to ours because it is not the food of our gods, but they won't affect your powers in any way," Professor Woods said and brought up a bunch of pictures of what seemed to be a bunch of different restaurants on the VirtualScreen.

"Today's main lesson, though, is the different races of humans. There are the Europeans," she said and a picture of people that looked like us, Atlantics, showed up in front of us. "You're familiar with them because we are of European descent. These are the Africans. They're from a country called Africa." A picture of people with varying shades of brown showed up, much like the guy from my vision. Another picture of the country popped up by it. "These here are the Chinese and they come from China." The picture displayed people with slanted eyes and skin around the same color as ours.

It took us a full hour and a half to learn about all the different kinds of races and where they were from. My brain hurt from it. Why did they have to separate each other? It'd be a lot easier if they had just stuck to labelling themselves as humans, just like we labelled ourselves as Atlantics.

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