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P.S. I'm going to Ohio to visit my family members from Wednesday to Sunday, so I won't be posting, so Chapter 19 is going to have to wait a little longer :)

And for the people who wanted to know what Louis signed, you're going to have to wait until I decide if I want to put it in their 'date' chapter. (If I decide not to, then you guys don't find out at all.. Comment what you think I should do?)


As you guys know, Louis and Harry have Music together, also, but I'm not going to add that part in this chapter and just skip to when the school day is over!

Chapter 18


Today school went by fast in just a blink of an eye, which is fantastic, because I have to go to that thing with Louis. Usually, people classify going outside of school with someone a 'date', but I don't.

I was standing at my locker, throwing stuff in my bookbag, so I could go home. I felt a poke on my shoulder and I spun around, expecting to see Louis but was disappointed to see Liam. "Oh, hi." I said, flipping my hair to get the curls out of my face.

"Your mums waiting for you at the office and they sent me to come get you." Liam signed to me.

I gave him a nod and turned back around and threw the rest of my stuff in my bag, what's my mum doing here?

I closed my locker and ran down the hallway and to the office, which I did recieve looks from teachers and they might have complained to me as I passed them up, but oh well.

"Mum, what are you doing here?" I asked as I approached her, out of breath.

"I'm here to pick you up." She signed to me.

"But we don't have a car yet." I said.

"Jay got sick and came home from work early, she came by the house and said I could borrow hers." Mum signed to me.

I was about to argue to her that Louis had already volunteer to take me home, but she cut me off my grabbing my arm (not hard enough to hurt me) and dragged me out of the building, but as the door was closing, I spotted Louis coming out of the crowd of students, giving me a confused look while holding his keys. I mouthed "I'm sorry" just in time as the door shut in my face. I guess I'll just text him and tell him what happened.

When I ride with my mum, I usually talk to her and tell her what's going on and stuff, but this time was different. Instead, I sat there and stared at my phone, smiling, and texting Louis.

When we arrived home, I ran up the stairs and looked in my closet to find the best looking clothes I had, which I honestly don't have a lot.

I had a tux, which would be pretty nice to wear, and after all Louis did tell me to look good tonight.. But we're just going out for tonight, I don't think I need to wear a tux.

About after an hour of searching for something to wear, I picked something out. "Finally." I huffed out as I took out a blue coat, blue skinny jeans, and a grey top. "But," I continued. "something's missing." I said as I scratched my head. "Now, where did I put it?"

I spent about thirty minutes searching, until I finally gave up and rushed downstairs to my mum. "Mum, do you know where my fedora is?" I asked.

She turned around and thought for a bit, "Have you checked under the bed? I think you put it there when we moved here." She signed.

"Ah, thanks mum." I said as I gave her a kiss on the cheek and rushed up the stairs and into my room and got on my knees and grabbed my fedora that was lying on the cold floor under my bed. I smiled at it, as I pulled it from under the bed and tossed it onto the bed. I then remembered Louis hadn't told me a time when he was going to pick me up, so I pulled my iPhone out and texted him.

To Louis

When are you picking me up? xx

Seconds later, I got a reply.

From Louis

Eager for the date, babe ;)? 6:30 xxxx

I chuckled, so it's a date, huh?

To Louis

Kind of... Never been on one, so you can't blame me!

Second later, I got another reply. Damn, he texts back quickly.

From Louis

Never been on a date? Aw, I feel special to be the first one to take you out.. But you better be getting ready, if you aren't already, because I'm picking you up in thirty minutes.

I looked at the message confused, and then looked at the time.

"What the fuck?" I said when I realized I had spent hours on just looking for clothes to wear for the 'date'. I laid my phone aside and threw my clothes on and looked in the mirror, giving myself a cheeky grin.

I stood there fixing my hair, and talked to the mirror, acting as if it was Louis.

"So, you come here often?" I said to the mirror, and gave it a wink, "No, no. Too cheesy." I said as I flipped my curls out of my eyes. "Did you f-" I began to say but felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned around to see my mum standing behind me. "Uh, what are you doing in here?" I asked, feeling my cheeks burn up with embarrassment because my mum had seen me hitting on a mirror.

I could tell she was holding something back, obviously holding back laughter. "Louis waiting outside." she signed.

"Shit, really? Uh, tell him I'll be down in a second, no, don't say anything to him mum. Don't embarrass me, okay?" I said as I opened the door and began to walk down the stairs but was stopped my the feeling of my mum grabbing a hold of my blue jacket. I turned around to see her holding my fedora.

"Forgetting something?" She signed.

I smiled, and grabbed the fedora and put it on my head, I walked over to the door and put my hand on the handle and turned around, "Thanks, mum. I love you." I said before I opened the door and walked outside to Louis.

"That was not no thirty minutes." I said to him before getting into the car.


I was watching TV when I heard the doorbell ring, "Coming!" I yelled as I got off the couch and walked over to the door. I opened it to see Louis. "Hi, Louis, what are you doing here?" I asked as I gave him a smile.

"To pick Harry up. Is he here?" He asked as he bit his lip.

"Oh, yeah. He's upstairs. You just wait outside while I go upstairs and get him, okay?" I said as I shut the door and walked up the stairs.

I could hear Harry talking to someone in his room as I walked up to his door, I was upset at the fact he had invited someone without even asking, so I opened the door to see him talking to.... A mirror?

He was saying cheesy things you usually see from movies, and I laughed a bit.

I put my hand on his shoulder, and he turned around quickly. When he saw it was me, his cheeks began to turn red. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

Ignoring his question, I signed to him "Louis waiting outside." while trying to hold back a laugh from coming out.

"Shit, really? Uh, tell him I'll be down in a second, no, don't say anything to him mum. Don't embarrass me, okay?" He said as he opened the door and walked out of the room. I noticed his fedora sitting on his bed still so I picked it up and thought he must've forgotten it.

As he began walking down the stairs, I grabbed him by his blue jacket. "Forgetting something?" I signed to him when he turned around, I gave him his fedora and he smiled and began to walk down the stairs.

"Thanks, mum. I love you." He said before he opened the front door and walked out.

I smiled, but God do I hate that fedora.


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