Bringing Lucy Home

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(Okay folks we're going to start this chapter recapping everything. I'm listening to Amnesia on Pandora and let me say I'm pumped for this chapter! It's dedicated to @Crimsomredarrow have safe travels to Michigan!)

*** previously

The guild, Phantom Lord, has kidnapped Lucy!

And back in Fairy Tail someone (Natsu) needs Lucy!


Natsu and everyone had cooled down. He was in the dark corner of the guild unseen and unnoticed.

He folded his arms and glared away.


Just as some members were preparing for anything a shiny blue light appeared and a voice boomed!

"Members of Fairy Tail! I am the guild Master of Phantom Lord! We're 'sorry' for the troubles so far, you understand, we reached out goal. We have Lucy Heartfilia" Natsu jumped along with everyone else at hearing her name.

"This is goodbye."

Natsu was already halfway out the front doors to the guild.

He ran at quick speed you'd of swore it was nothing but a blur. He clutched into her apartment front door but it was locked so he had no choise and tried to climb up her window.

He used to much force and almost fell out of the tree but, halfway down as he fell he stopped falling.

"Need help?" Happy asked carrying Natsu.

Natsu sighed, "whatever!" He then pointed his index finger at her window and Happy understood what to do.

The window was easy to unleash because it was old and weak.

Natsu burst through her apartment bedroom and screamed, "LUCY?!"

He froze. The bedroom was clean. So clean he knew she hasn't been there since early this morning, her cent was fading to.

"Crap! Fuck! Shit!" He tried to think of curse words to describe this feeling of anger towards Phantom Lord, "DAMMIT!"

Happy must've been talking but not one word was heard from Natsu.

Natsu threw himself out her window,
Happy caught him in the air.

"Where now?" Happy asked.

Natsu had this dark indescribable look on his face as he said, "to kick some ass!"
(Please excuse the horrible language I am not a cusser in person)

"Aye!" Happy cheered raising his little paw.

Natsu relied on his nose and the wind to find Lucy.

Lucy was tied up like Repunzel she was high up in a tower.

Only second to top floor up she was.
Without her keys that were going to be later found in the hands of the enemy Juvia, Gray and Juvia will fight and then he'll end up with them.

"Let me go."


"Let me go."


"Let me go."


She's been with this man for awhile and has been focused on a plan. Unfortunately she'll have to wing it.

"W-well let me use the bathroom at least," she said grunting slightly with her legs rubbing against each other.

The man laughed, "you think I'll fall for that old trick?" He then smiled sickingly.

Natsu's weaknessWhere stories live. Discover now