Chapter 3

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Lily ran happily alongside her brother. She couldn't believe she was actually in the past. It was an awesome adventure. Lily knew that she was here with a purpose, but she was going to try and enjoy least for today.

Lily beat Henry to the door and not long after Emma and Killian strolled along.

"Okay...well time to surprise Mom and Dad." Emma said towards Killian while opening the door.

Lily rushed in and before anyone could say anything she hugged both Mary Margaret and David.

"Um..hi," David said confused but he still smiled and hugged back.

Mary Margaret also hugged her and looked at Emma with curiosity.

"And who is this?"

Lily seemed to have forgotten she was in the past because she spoke up to say

"Grandma, can I have some cocoa with cinnamon. Oh and lots of whipped cream!"

Mary Margaret was a little taken aback by her question and raised her eyebrows.


Emma laughed.

"Hey Lily why don't you go upstairs and play some video games with Henry while I talk to your grandparents."

Lily and Henry raced upstairs as everybody else took a seat in the kitchen.

Like any confused father, David was quick to ask, "You have a daughter? Who? What? Since when? Who's the father?"

Killian grinned.

"Well that'll be me."

David let out a very loud WHAT!?

Mary Margaret patted David lightly on the back to calm him down but she couldn't help but laugh lightly.

Both Emma and Killian continued to explain how they met Lily. After the story David let out a sigh.

"Wow so we have another grandchild. Well at least we do in the future."

"And you and I mate are officially family...well at least in the future." Killian added. Oh how he loved messing with David.

"But how did she come here? And why?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Not entirely sure. But she did mention something about a spell and trouble. Something of that sort." Killian replied.

"Otherwise we have no idea. But guess we're about to find out." Emma got up and stood at the foot of the staircase.

"Henry! Lily! Cocoa is ready!" She yelled.

In a few seconds the two smiling kids had come down and joined them in the kitchen.

"Lily, could you explain to us now how and why you're here." Emma asked sipping her cocoa.

"Yes. How did you even come here?" Mary Margaret continued.

"Through a portal." Lily stated.

This caused everyone (except Henry who had already been told everything) to look at each other in confusion. Especially between Killian and Emma who had actually traveled in the past through a portal.

"But it's so complicated to create a portal to the past." David said while remembering how his son had been stolen for the purpose of the spell.

"Technically it still is, but it's a different than the portal Mom and Dad went through. This one was created solely with magical powers of one person. No extra items." Lily explained.

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