Chapter 4

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Alex walked around the streets quietly. The wind was softly blowing through his brown shoulder length hair. He had the look of determination in his eyes. He reached the graveyard where he knew Regina kept her magical items. He knew that at this time she didn't use them, but here he could continue his research throughout the night. In the morning he would go over to his father's shop to talk to him. By then he should have a way of making it all right again.


Emma awoke to the sound of plates. She looked back to see Killian in the kitchen and walked towards him.

"A pirate who knows how to cook, huh?"

"Did you really assume I got all your lunch from Granny's?" He asked.

"Maybe. Need any help?"

"No, I'm going to prove to you I can make the best breakfast in all the land."

"You sure you can handle that with one hand and a hook?" She said stealing some blueberries from the counter.

"Bad form, Swan. Making fun of an invalid."

Emma kissed him and then held up her arms.

"Fine, you wanna make me breakfast. I'm not stopping you." She went to the couch and turned on the T.V

Killian started whisking up some eggs when a bundle of joy popped up from the bed.

"Dad's making breakfast? Yay!"

Killian turned to Emma.

"See? Our daughter seems to think I'm quite the cook even with one hand and a hook."

Lily stared seriously at her father.

"Actually, Dad, Mom and I usually just watch you fail and when you've finally given up Mom takes us all out to eat."

Killian stumbled with his words.

"What? B-but.."

Lily giggled. "Dad, I'm kidding."

Emma burst out laughing.

"The look on your face was priceless. Good one, Lily." She gave her a high five and both continued laughing and giggling on the couch.

Killian shook his head but laughed too.

"Like mother like daughter." He said to himself.

Henry awoke to a wonderful smell and quickly jumped out of bed and rushed down the stairs.

"It smells so good!" He exclaimed.

Lily turned away from the cartoons she was watching with Emma.

"I know right! Dad's making breakfast."

Henry took a deep breath.


Killian put down the plates he was holding and placed them on the counter.

"Thank you mate! Now before I forget I need to give you this."

He reached into his jacket pocket. "Is this the game you were telling me about the other day?"

Henry stared at the box. ""

Killian shook his head. If only he had paid more attention to the game Henry was always endlessly talking about. Maybe he should have jotted down notes...

"Sorry, lad. I'll go back and -" Henry interrupted.

"Are you kidding? This looks way better than the one I wanted. Thanks Killian!"

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