Chapter 21

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To call the valley narrow was an understatement. The closer Delilah reached the base the more acutely she was aware of how the rocky mountain sides loomed above her. The wind too seemed to have picked up pace in the narrow channel and soon the ladies in the party were forced to grapple with their outfits in an attempt to keep them modestly nearer the ground. Delilah rubbed her bare hands hoping to rid herself of the pebbly dirt that seemed to be etched on her fingertips; the climb down hadn't been without the need to climb over some large rock.

"I see I cannot compete with a Prince, can I?" Agapito Rossi broke the silence that bore down heavily on him and his companion. They had maneuvered themselves down the pebble and dirt covered path onto the greener plains of the valley and now stood in front of a grove of trees that brought them respite from the windy weather. The trees had low algae covered branches that felt like multiple arms trying to wrap you in their embrace and never let go. The other hikers had now spread out in the grassier parts of the narrow valley floor looking for a comfortable place to settle down. A few servants attempted to create viable picnic areas but the change in weather was proving their efforts to naught. Delilah shivered slightly but that did not lessen her love for the wind.

"What do you mean?" Delilah was momentarily confused but it cleared the next moment and she paused only to shove her erratically moving hair out of her face, "I understand this is becoming a common joke amongst our friends but I do not find humour in it. The Prince is far beyond my station and he already finds me abhorrent to look at. Why pair me with him when there is much more beauty to be found in the quarries?"

"Did he say something?" Agapito was instantly enraged and he searched her eyes, looking for the truth, "Of course he hasn't. You are deluded by your low opinion of yourself," He concluded with a small shake of his head.

"My opinion of myself is neither low nor unflattering. I like myself very much but I know my opinion is hardly a universal one," Delilah spoke emotionlessly finding it hard to speak about something so personal.

"I beg to differ," Agapito protested with a low timber. His proximity to her caught her attention and she took a subtle step backwards.

"I have heard many things said about me for many years. You can hardly blame me for expecting the worst."

He held her face in his hands impulsively, painfully digging his fingers and she jolted, extremely startled. She took another step back, wide eyed, and her back hit the rough bark of a vine covered tree.

"You are extremely beautiful and equally kind. Believe it when I say the diamonds in all the world's quarries could not compare to you," Agapito said earnestly.

"I do not understand-why?" Delilah frantically tried to make sense of the situation. How could a simple conversation about weather turn into something so convoluted?

"Do you not see that you have many admirers? I consider myself lucky I have been able to gain your attention if not as a suitor but as a friend especially with the Prince trying to steal all your attention..." The man gasped the words almost as if he was on his last breath, "I know it is not a possibility. I would have known if you held a shred of feeling for me and I admire you but I know I am happy to just be your friend."

Delilah swallowed harshly suddenly feeling the gravity of what was thrust upon her. Agapito Rossi had torn his chest apart and handed her his heart and what a great weight that was. She was wracked with guilt but she knew she had to do the right thing.

"I have never thought of you in such a way," She whispered softly not sure if she could be heard over the wind. Agapito nodded with his olive eyes closed as if he could not bear to look at her face. Before he had a chance to say anything they were interrupted by a body that barreled through a bush with such speed that Agapito did not even have time to pull away.

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