Chapter Three: Cookies are made of butter and love.

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Chapter Three: Cookies are made of butter and love.

"Serenity, get up!" Eva whispered yelled into my ear.

I moaned tiredly and turned away from her. "Five more minutes." I groaned.

I heard my door close lightly. Yes, she's gone. I was about to fall completely back to sleep, when ice-cold water soaked my pajamas. I shot up making the water drip down my legs. I looked around to see who dumped the water on me.

Ayden's bitch, Adrianna was standing in the doorway smirking. "Rise and shine, newbie. You should thank me for getting you up in time." She finished and sauntered out of the room.

Here I was, six in the morning, completely wet and shaking. I peeled off my pajamas and replaced them with shorts, a tank top and some tennis shoes. My hair was drenched with water, so I messily put it in a bun. I would get Arianna back for sure.

I walked bitterly out of my room, to find that Arianna was already gone. Eva was sitting at the breakfast bar munching on a granola bar and reading a magazine. When she heard me come in she looked up and met my scowl full of hatred. "Who crapped in your cornflakes?"

I took and apple from a basket sitting on the table. "Adrianna, that's who. The girl dumped ice cold water on me and called herself 'helping'. I mean who does that while having good intentions!" I took a bite of the green apple.

Eva smiled evilly. "She sees you as a threat. I mean who wouldn't? Your pretty and funny and-"

"And I'm going to beat her ass if she does something else to me!"

She shrugged and put the rest of her granola in her mouth. Her phone lit up along with her eyes. "It's time to go! I can't wait to see who our partners are!" she squealed clutching her chocolate cupcake.

Eva pulled me out the door and we merged into the crowd of teenagers who were all holding various cupcakes and headed towards the same place. For six something in the morning, everyone gave the impression that they were wide awake. The air was sticky and stiffling and the sun was shining too brightly for this time of morning.

We walked into an air-conditioned building where people passed around notecards to write your name and a description of your creation on and tape to your cupcake. Several long glass tables were set out with many tiers for your cupcake. Eva neatly wrote a short description about her cupcake on the notecard.

~Eva Lawly~

~Dark Chocolate Crunch Milk Fudge Drizzle w/ Truffle Gananche (A Baker's Sin)~

Looks like Eva went all out using the Baker's Four Food Groups (Baker's Sins). My cupcake was simply a vanilla cake with buttercrème frosting and sprinkles, but it sure tasted damn good! I quickly scribbled on my notecard.

Serenity Jules

Just Sprinkles (A Classic)

Done. I gently placed my cupcake next to all the other elaborate ones. Eva looked like she was in a heated argument with Arianna about who's cupcake should go on the top tier. Not wanting to get involved, a turned around and headed back to the cabin to wait for the counselors to pair us up.

I'm pretty sure I was going the wrong way because a river appeared that wasn't there before. It sparkled in the sun making it seem more like the river was filled with crystals. I made sure no one was around before I slipped off my shoes and dipped my feet in the water. I almost forgot about how hot and sweaty I was and how I had to wake up at six in the morning, until someone gently sat down next to me.

I kept my focus on the water, hoping they would get the message and leave, but they didn't. "So, I see you've found my hiding spot." A deep male voice said.

I scoffed and kept my eyes trained on the moving river. "Your hiding spot? I think you mean mine."

I saw a pair of tan feet dip into the water. "How about our hiding spot. I just might let you stay if you behave." He said playfully. I finally glanced up, and boy do I wish I had kept my gaze down. A pair of soft cornflower blue eyes stared curiously down at me. "You're Serenity, right?"

I nodded. "How did you know. I mean I would remember someone like you. I don't mean because I'm attracted to you or anything! Not that you aren't attractive because you are, it's just...I'm going to shut up now." I finished weakly while blushing furiously.

He smirked. "Thank you. I think. The reason I know you is because of Stella. We used to date and she would always rant about you nonstop. It was like she had to be better than you at everything."

"I swear craziness runs in her family. Her and her mom are both one fry short of a Happy Meal, if you know what I mean." I whispered secretly. He chuckled and I swear my heart stopped for a second. Wanting to keep him laughing I kept on going. "And between you and me," I looked around to make sure no one was around to hear this. "I always knew it. Ever since this one time I was five her mom thought I was Stella. She was either drunk or high or something! And I also remember this one time Stella brought cookies to school and said they were made with butter and love. One guy told her to shut up because he knew she didn't give a damn about no one. We were in third grade!"

The boy laughed and started to put his shoes and socks back on. "Stella's a witch. I'm glad I broke it off with her. It was nice talking with you Serenity." He smiled showing his perfect god-like teeth. How can teeth even turn you on? I don't know, but his surely did. "You're perfect friend material." Wait what? "I don't know why Adrianna told me you were a sarcastic hoe with no life." Hold up.


He scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah, Adrianna, well she's kind of protective of her territory."

I wanted to burst out crying at the irony of this situation. "So you're Ayden..." Baker extrodinaire, Hottest thing since sliced bread and winner for the past five years here at Frosted. Well not for long.

"Yep, and Adrianna is my girlfriend." He said slightly embarrassed. He finished tying his shoes and started walking away. "Sorry about what Adrianna said. She can be a bitch when it comes to me!" She's a bitch to everyone. "See you around, Serenity." He called over his shoulder.

I didn't say anything because this would be our first and last encounter if I cared about my life and winning the competiotn. Hello, Serenity's Conscience speaking: If you want Adrianna to kill you in your sleep, then go right ahead and talk it up with Ayden. But if you value your life, you better pretend you'd never met him. My mind gave me two choices. And I definatly chose the second one.

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