Chapter Five: I want to have a good body, but not as much as I want chocolate.

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Chapter Five: I want to have a good body, but not as much as I want chocolate.

Hot stifling winds rustled the leaves of trees along with Eva’s curly hair. The stars lit up the sky and the fire burning casted shadows on everyone’s face. After Adrianna found out that the booger in her food was no accident, Eva and I quickly escaped to a bonfire hosted by the one and only Frosted. According to the counselor, this bonfire was designed to ease stress and calm nerves before the games began tomorrow afternoon.

 Don’t be fooled into thinking that this was going to be you average bonfire. There were no funny or wild stories about the past year or about high school. Nope, they were all about Ayden freaking Callaway and his adventures in New York. Apparently he’s a Frosted Legend.

My shorts and tank top were sweaty and sticking to my body as I listened in to “The Chronicles of Ayden Callaway”.

“Ayden’s got this competition in a bag this year…just like every other year. None of us stand a chance against him, except maybe that new girl Serenity. The one with the green eyes.  I mean, he was literally raised by the baker of all bakers. Not to mention how he has all the girls wrapped around his pinky finger. And don’t even get me started on his teeth…” She sighed dreamily and I tuned out the rest.

I threw a piece of grass into the fire pit and glared at it, wishing it was Ayden burning alive. I chuckled maliciously. Eva got up, after scarfing down five s’ mores, in search of some more. I was all alone with my half eaten chocolate bar, when someone decided to steal the seat next to me.

“Hello.” A husky voice whispered in my ear.

I glared and pushed the person away. “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be with your girlfriend? I heard she accidently consumed snot. You might want to use mouthwash after you kiss the wench.” I hissed sounding like a deranged cat.

Ayden’s ice-like eyes stared at me with anger and underlying amusement. “I’m sure you had everything to do with it.”

I crossed my legs and perched my chin on my hands. “Why would you think that…partner?”

His eyes widened for a fraction of a second. It was enough for me to know that mister all mighty didn’t even look at the sheets. I gasped mockingly. “Did Ayden Callaway forget to look at the partner lists?!”

He rolled his eyes. “Whatever Serenity.” His eyes zeroed in on the chocolate bar that I held loosely in my hand. “You might want to cut out the chocolate from you diet. I can see a little food baby developing, if you know what I mean.” He smirked evilly.

I broke off a small section of the foil wrapped candy, and popped it in my mouth. I chewed thoughtfully. “How about no.” I peered down at the candy bar. Of course I want a good body, but not as much as I want chocolate.

He shrugged, knowing he hit a nerve by my short curt answer, and walked back over to his so-called ‘friends’. He may have won this round, but I’ll be back. (Wise words of Arnold Schwarzenegger)

As soon as Ayden left, Eva came back clutching two s’ mores in each hand. Her cheeks were flushed with anger and embarrassment. “Adrianna basically just called me fat because I had a couple more s’ mores than everyone else,” she whisper-yelled. “In front of Zach! And she was shamelessly flirting with him when she knows damn well that she has Ayden!” Her light brown eyes flashed with anger and the fire casted a glow, making them look deadly. “I’ll kill that bitch!” she growled, throwing the s’ mores on the sandy ground.

No! My precious food! I crumpled to the ground, ignoring the dirty stares from others, and tried to salvage what was left of the delightful confectionary. I scooped the dirt caked dessert in my hands. Stay with me S’ mores! Chocolaty, fluffy sweet goodness, don’t leave me now!

Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at my frantic attempts to save the sweet treat. They were all laughing and pointing until the counselor cut through the crowd. “Ladies and gentlemen, what is going on?” Her dark eyes stopped and narrowed when she saw me sprawled on the ground. “Mrs. Lively, I’ve been looking for you all night to give you a detention! I heard what you did to Adrianna.” She raised her eyebrows.

“You can’t give me a detention! It’s summer camp. Key word, lady: Camp. C-A-M-P!

Ayden chuckled in the background, making her whip her head around. “Mr. Callaway, nice to see you could join us. I haven’t forgotten about you… detention!”

Ayden’s laughter died down. “What! Mrs. Betch, I didn’t do anything!”

“You two have detention tomorrow morning at four fifteen. Don’t be late!” Mrs. Bitch— I mean Betch, stiffly walked away through the crowd of gawking teenagers.

Once she was out of sight Ayden started to grill me. “I’ve never gotten detention ever! This is your entire fault! Now I have to wake up at fucking four in the morning!” he snarled.

I simply scoffed.  “Bad boy Ayden! Watch your mouth. Speaking of your mouth, if you wouldn’t have opened it and started laughing, you wouldn’t have gotten a detention.” He stayed quiet, but still glared daggers at me. “Plus, isn't  there a first time for everything?” I shouted from behind my back as I headed back to the cabin away from curious prying eyes.

I was about to walk past Adrianna when she reached out and grabbed my arm. “Hope you enjoy detention, Serenity.” Her fake friends laughed alongside her as I refrained myself from punching her straight in the face.

I clenched my jaw and walked away, but not before calling behind my back. “Be careful what you say to Ayden’s partner, me, the one who knows how you get around…especially with Zach. And if you didn't know, Ayden has detention with moi.”

 Her face paled then turned an unattractive shade of red. “You’re the one who gets around, hoe!”

I stayed calm. "Is that so? With whom?" Her face paled completely and it took too long to answer. "That's what I thought."

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