14| Childish Pranks ✔️

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Don't take life so seriously,
nobody ever gets out alive, anyway.

-Toni Watson


I heard the clock chime one in the morning by the time we were ready with the list.

I was getting drowsier by the minute and could hardly keep my eyes open. Remind me again, why I decided to volunteered for this stupid mission?

"I think it's time to hit the bed. We have already prepared to the final draft." Max stated finally and I immediately supported him with a massive yawn.

"Yeah, and we've already gone through this a hundred times. Couldn't we just go to bed?" Nora pleaded next to me.

"Fine then." Nick huffed, annoyed at the three of us. "But remember, we need to get up early tomorrow. No excuses. Now scoot."

That was the only thing we were waiting for. Nora and I scrambled up immediately with a huge relief on our faces.

Don't get us wrong. We loved to play pranks too, however I didn't fancy midnight to be the best time for prank planning.

"Good night, guys!" I told them as Nora and I quit the room.

But to my surprise, they hadn't moved from the place. One look at them told me they were talking using the Twin mind link.

My eyes narrowed. They weren't going to double cross me, were they? "What are you two cooking up?" I inquired suspiciously.

Their heads shot up in shock. Obviously, they thought I had already quit the room. This just fuelled my suspicion.

"Why? Nothing at all." Nick said, casting his brother a hurried glance.

"That's not what it looked like." I said skeptically. I crossed my arms in front of my chest and glared at them. "Tell me the truth."

"You have been reading too much of Sherlock, Kiara. Nick and I were just looking at the list one last time." Max said, in an reassuring tone. "We weren't doing anything bad."

"If you say so." I said unsurely turning to go.

Somehow, that tiny sliver of doubt still lingered in my mind as I shut the door behind me as I made my way back to my room.

* * *

"Psst. Wake up, Ki!" a voice whispered in my ear. "We've work to do!"

I swatted my hand to shoo the intruder away. "Go away, Nicky!" I mumbled incoherently as I turned to the other side.  I clung to my pillow while they tried to drag me off the bed.

"Wake up, Ki. Before we make you." a second voice warned me. I shrugged him off as I snuggled deeper into the bed.

There was pindrop silence for a moment and I opened my eyes minutely in suspicion. Had they really decided to quit? That was so unlike them. . .


As if on cue, a horrendous wailing began inches away from my ears. I gasped as I shot out of bed, my hands protecting my protesting ears.

Who the bloody —

"We wish you a funny Fools Day
We wish you a funny Fools Day
We wish you a funny Fools Day
And a funny month more...

The sweet joy we bring to you this morning
We wish you a funny Fools Day and a foolish month more....."

I rolled my eyes at the stupid song. Clearly, as crazy as the creator.

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