/Chapter Nine/ Begging For Mercy/

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I made this chappie extra long (13 pages on word :O!) so I really hope you guys like it :D :D :D

Oh and I'm mid editing and realised I need to sort out character descriptions and make em final so no one's confused :D So Mercy Has Long brown hair and big hazel eyes :D Sorry bout that, i pissed off my friend and she wanted to be in my story properly. Her name is Mercedes so, Mercy really :) The new actress for Mercy is Nina Debrev :D

Enjoy! :D

(C) All Rights Reserved To D.S Lemonius.


Chapter Nine/ Begging For Mercy/

  ‘My lady, your skin is as fair as snow, and your heart is just as cold. Yet, for snow you make me melt under your radiant beauty,’ said the handsome young lad in rags on the stage. The lady he addressed simply scoffed at his attempts to swoon her, but along with the rest of the audience, I awed. Such sweet words were spoken to such a cold woman. 

  ‘You are merely a common slave; you do not deserve to bask in my good looks. Be gone!’ she ordered, and the audience booed her silly orders. How could she?! He honestly loved the arrogant woman, and she ordered him away!

  ‘I will not give up Lady Cynthia, I will have you,” the slave boy declared as he pranced off of the stage. 

  ‘Never in a million years will he have me,’ Lady Cynthia snorted as the curtains went down, signing for the stage help to change the scene.

  I had been on the edge of my seat, deeply engrossed at the great love the slave showed for the undeserving woman. She was beautiful, yes, but there was not anything more to like about her-she was lazy, stupid and had horrible taste in dresses. Sitting back in my chair, I sipped my drink and waited for the curtains to open to continue the romantic play. “I don’t see how you can care for this rubbish, Mercy. It’s horrid.” Alexander commented.

  I had been trying to forget Alexander was here and enjoy the play as he ignored it in his seat. He wasn’t enjoying the play as it was mostly romance but why would he pay for a seat he did not want? I could watch anything and wouldn’t mind, yet he put himself through this. On the other hand, it was a nice he would sit through this for me. “I think it’s sweet.”

  Alexander sighed, “He doesn’t portray love properly to me.”

  Intrigued, I leaned in to him, “How would you portray love Alexander?”

  He thought for a short moment, “You know you’re in love when you can wait years to see a person and your feelings don’t change for them. When every time you see them you just want to take that person in your arms and just hold them so tight and never let them go. When you want nothing but to be close to them - whether as a lover or a friend - and be happy. When you can feel that person’s anger, happiness and pain...” all the while he spoke his eyes were on me, with an intense gaze. He tried to hold my hand but I gently wiggled free from his grip.

  The curtains opened and the play continued. The scene had changed to a ballroom where couples danced in their rich ball gowns and masks. A strapping young man in a mask entered and asked Lady Penelope or a dance. The man danced with such grace and procession that I could hear the ladies behind our front row seat sigh. It wasn’t until the end of the dance, the man briefly lifted his mask and showed us it was the servant boy; he really fixed up good. I shook my head and remembered that it was all acting and not real life.

  That’s the thing really about nobles and such; they care only for status and wealth. Lady Cynthia did not refuse his dance proposal when the servant boy asked. It’s all about status nowadays. The servant and Lady Cynthia talked for a while but he to go at eleven O’clock.

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