Chapter Ten/ Meeting The Queen/

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  • Dedicated kay Ruben (Dr) Williams. RIP Papa <33

Hi all!

Sorry for taking ages to upload, my heart hasn't been in a good place. There's been some issues at school and I'm trying to move asap!

Also, this was meant to be the funeral chapter and I'm sorry but i couldn't write it in HUGE detail. I cried when i tried so i just cut it out since no matter how much i tried to repress it, it just reminded me of when I lost my grandpa, whose death aniversery was earlier this week :/ So this chap isn't dedicated to anyone on wattpad, but to you grandpa. You're the first person who appproved of me wanting to be a writer and you read my first poem. (If anyone wants to read that its in the external link for fans)  You were so encouraging and helpful, if i could have anything in this world, it would be to have you back, for just a day or two. I miss you papa xxx

From your chocolate bubble Monique <33

You can just ignore my ramblings XP Enjoy!

(C) All Rights Reserved To D.S Lemonius.


Chapter Ten/ Meeting The Queen/


  The Duke’s funeral went perfectly well. The displayed along the church flowers were lilies; just as the Duke had wanted. The church was filled with the handful of the Mathews and many of the Duke’s and Duchess’s of England along with their families. There was an extremely large amount of guest for one little man, there were even village people standing outside to pay their respects for Gustave Mathew. When in the cemetery, as the remains of the Duke were being buried, the wind blew our dresses and hair lightly and we all closed our eyes to embrace it. It was cool and refreshing. The preacher commented that the wind was the Duke; he said he had been watching over us too close and he being buried allowed his spirit to leave within the wind. The wind might have been just a coincident, but I couldn’t help but hear ever so faintly, ‘you set me free…’ The priest was right.

  When I looked amongst the family, their face held no clear expressions. At first I was shocked to see his wife and only child with no grief but I then saw it all in their eyes. They both had the same glint of sadness. He would not be forgotten but he wouldn’t be in my mind too much to make me upset; it sounds horrible I know but we shouldn’t cry anymore. We should remember happy memories. I had none of him though. I’d seen traces of woe in the family’s eyes up until this funeral and I think it would always be there. There was despair in my father’s eyes when mother was taken away and till this day it has not left yet. When people said their loved ones were never forgotten, it was most definitely true.

  Once we arrived home, we changed into more formal dark clothes as we prepared to go to the memorial service that was being held. Even as Alexander held me on a bench outside the villa as we waited for the Duchess, I thought of the Duke. I had killed him, but I had saved him at the same time. It was odd, but true. There wasn’t guilt for killing but guilt for hating such a nice person. After the funeral, and hearing such lovely memories from friends and families, I felt I knew him more and was happy he had such a lovely service. Mother had a similar funeral to the Dukes and I was reduced to tears at one point in the funeral. It reminded me of when I was seven, sitting on the pews, swinging my legs nervously as they spoke of my mother. There wasn’t an open casket, but a little box with her ashes that we later buried at home. We told our family and friends we knew she was dead but her body was never found. Two people, two nice people are now dead due to jealousy and bitterness. What a cruel world.

OLD VERSION! DONT READ!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon