Chapter 3: I'm Taylor

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Taylor was in pure shock and she could feel her heart beating at an abnormal rate. She glared at him - noticing how perfectly messy his red hair was or how he always had a smirk on his face, or even how he seemed to be mysterious. She liked that in a boy.

They could both feel the awkward silence growing by each second. Ed stood there rocking back and forth on his heels, impatiently waiting for her name. "Uh, so you don't have a name?" he said sarcastically. There he goes again, Taylor thought to herself, with that cute little British accent.

Taylor tried to look down at the ground to hide her red face, but she knew he saw. "Yeah, I mean - no, I'm Taylor."

Get it together, Taylor told herself, why am I being so nervous? If I can perform in front of thousands of fans then I'm sure I can talk to a boy.

Ed was so confident and adorable, and Taylor thought she was the total opposite. Grow up.

"Hey, I'm sorry for storming out on you yesterday. I've been stressing out lately and I just-"

Ed interrupted her politely. "Trust me, it's fine."

"Good . . ." She finally gathered up enough courage to look him in the eye. "Are you from Nashville, or are you just visiting?"

Ed was standing sideways from Taylor, looking over at the playground with all the little kids running around, chasing each other and playing games. "I'm from West Yorkshire in the UK, far from London, but I just moved here permanently. I came here to hopefully boost my singing career. You can give me a guitar, pen and paper and I'll be preoccupied for hours. Music . . . interests me." Ding, ding, ding! They have something in common! "What about you?" Ed began to walk towards the front entrance of the park that Taylor came through to get in. He turned his focus back to her. "Are you coming?"

Taylor suddenly felt more rain hit her face and it was falling harder than it was before. She felt she felt as if her legs were made of Jello. Right leg, left leg, right leg, left leg . . .

"I'm from Pennsylvania, but I moved here for the same reason. I would always go down Music Row while my mom waited in the car. All I hoped for was to get a record label, and I would tell each one, Hi, I'm Taylor, I'm 11 and I want a record deal. Call me." Taylor felt a smile grow on her face thinking of the memory. "I'd always get the same thing said to me, No . . You're too young . . . You won't make it. It all seemed like my music career was just a fantasy when I finally landed a record deal with a guy named Scott. I met him at the Bluebird Cafe." Taylor was trying so hard to keep the conversation going and not make it awkward. "Have you ever been there before? I mean, we just met, but if you haven't since you're not from around here and you have the time we can go there?"

He must not know who I am.

"A little sight-seeing wouldn't hurt," Taylor saw a twinkle in Ed's eye. "Let's go."

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