Nineteen (Part One) - A Kitchen Monsoon

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Hey, Everyone! Here's the first installment of this chapter. I can't wait to hear everyone's thoughts on it. Please feel free to message me with edits that I may have missed. (Thanks for all your feedback on the cover...I'm sure I'll be posting the new one next week.)

Still out of breath from bolting up the stairs into my room, I rummaged my dresser drawers to look for a clean shirt. I was just about to peel off the vomit splattered one I was wearing when I realized the door was wide open and Kellan standing behind me leaning against the door frame watching me.

"Don't let me stop you." He waved for me to continue, then walked across the room toward my bed. When he reached the edge of the mattress, he plopped himself down into a laying position and crossed arms behind his head.

"You know, he's going to murder you if he finds you in here," I said, in somewhat frustrated tone. He shrugged like he didn't care. "And when he's done with you, he's going to kill me."

"Run-ins with Jaxon are kind of my thing. Nothing, I haven't handled before."

"Ugh." Yeah, he may be covered, but I'm the one with the fire ring around my ankle. Something tells me I won't get off that easily. I stomped out of my room and tore down the hall toward the bathroom. Almost as quickly as I closed the door, I flipped the shirt I was wearing off over my head and threw on the clean one.

Ding, Ding. The bell at the front door sounded.

I grabbed my toothbrush and quickly ran it across my teeth, then rinsed my mouth. I was aware of every little noise, the wind blowing against the window pane, the slow water drip from the faucet, even the tiniest creaks in the house. Although the door was closed, I could still hear Gran's footsteps on the floor when she went to answer the door.

Ding, Ding, Ding. The bell sounded again.

"I'm coming. My legs aren't as fast as they used to be, but my hearing is just fine. You can stop leaning on the bell," Gran hollered, sounding like she was almost at the door.

With the sound of my heart beating in my head, I opened the door and stepped into the hall. I felt my anxiety grow as I got closer to the top of the stairs. Just before I reached the entrance to my room, Kellan appeared in the doorway with his arms crossed.

"I see you're all cleaned up to see your boyfriend," he blurted. His eyes flashed an intense icy blue.

"Ahhh, really?" I sighed. If the house were still standing at the end of this conversation with Jaxon, I would consider it my own personal triumph.

"Shall we go see your beloved?" He stretched and twisted his neck making a cracking sound, then turned back to look at me. "Let's go have some fun." He rubbed his hands together.

"Kellan, don't you dare. Kellan. Ugh." Too late, he was already halfway down the stairs making a grand entrance. If Jaxon didn't kill him, I just might. As I continued down the staircase, I could hear Jaxon feign a polite hello to everyone.

"Ms. Delacroix, it's a pleasure to meet you." I heard him momentarily pause when Kellan entered the room. Then continued as if he hadn't noticed him, "Wren's cheek looked so much better earlier today. Your son's skills are legendary in Acklemar, so I can only assume we have you to thank for her speedy recovery."

"Possibly," Gran replied. "You might as well call me Rosemary. Everyone else does. When you're as old as I am, there's no point in changing anything that breaks with tradition."

I had hesitated before I stepped off the bottom tread into the kitchen. When I did, it was like a spotlight had been shone on me. Everyone stared wondering what was going to happen next. Then without skipping a beat, Jaxon closed the distance between us.

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